[quote]*500K subs
*135M total views on JUST his main channel
*most popular Atheist on the internet
*represented Atheism on national television
*is a degenerate
*puts bananas and hot oil in his butt... ON CAM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE[/quote]
>Atheism: 0
>Every OTHER religion: 9000
Edited by Dudley Tiddywink: 8/7/2013 2:59:38 AMThis seems like a good time for banana butt.txt [quote]I will make you a rape victim if you don’t -blam!- off.[/quote] [quote]I’m going to rape you with my fist.[/quote] [quote]BTW, you have to admit, when I told you that I hope you drown in rape semen, you got a little wet, didn’t you? It’s okay. We’re friends now. You can share.[/quote] The preceding quotes were posted by the amazing atheist on reddit during a discussion in r/mensrights with a self-professed -blam!- victim. Please keep this in mind whenever the banana butt opens his mouth on any subject related to gender issues. The comments and reddit account they were posted under have since been deleted due to cowardice. source: http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2012/02/08/the-not-so-amazing-atheist-self-immolates/ and a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/v8q0J.png Addendum: For all you neckbeard losers still in denial that this is the real TJ, feast your eyes on his second AMA (posted on his third reddit account) in which he acknowledges that these comments were posted by him (along with a limp-ass excuse) http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1e0ze6/i_am_the_amazing_atheist_youtube_vlogger/c9vvpeq This AMA was promoted on his official facebook page https://www.facebook.com/YoutubeTAA/posts/508421919224115 now stop calling me a liar.