Hullo :3
I want you guys to tell me of the first girl you fell in love (or infatuation :p) with :D
How she looked like, her personality, how she smelled, what her number is, where she lives and when she is most likely alone :D
Mine was a girl who was artistic and all this, and we "had a thing" for a week which consisted me still being extremely nervous and avoiding her Xp
What was your first love (or infatuation) stories :3
It was 2005. Our eyes met from across the room, like in the movies. I knew at that moment, we would be together forever. She was perfect, in every way, poised and elegant, Capable of telling a story that had no rival, She kept you hanging on every word, every breath. Such times were not few and far between. We spent countless hours over the next five years together, alone, and with friends. She could hold her own, and knew when to give a little back as well. She knew what I liked, and had the exact same interests. I loved her then, And I love her now. And I know, somewhere, deep in her heart, she still loves me too. Her name, was Halo 2.