Virtual Reality is coming further and further into the light of realistically attainable future gaming technology. My main turn-on for this technology was the anime [i]Sword Art Online[/i]. This level of virtual reality interaction technology is the only thing that will sate my needs.
The biggest movement toward virtual reality interaction seems to be Oculus Rift and Omnidirectional Treadmills. However, when I look at the development of Omnidirectional treadmills, it makes me want to throw away all hope for an SAOish style full dive system.
However, the Oculus Rift development stirs that hope again, as it seems to be the first logical step towards a brain signal bypass system. But the only way I see this coming about any time soon is by having the technology accessible to any and all people right now. Some of the greatest things have come from just tinkering, and having a few corporations with similar minds constantly on the job doesn't seem like it will cut it. If people could just postpone their greed until after the technology is actually developed, the potential for profits will skyrocket to heights beyond belief due to the infinite amount of uses for such technology.
Any thoughts?
P.S. - I have read many, many comments from people who are scared that a Kayaba Akihiko will arise in our world too. But this is as irrational as believing SkyNet will rise up soon.
If it ever happens, you can bet it'll be used to pilot a war-machine before anything else.