My Nano worked for me for three years before the battery died, to which I have not gotten it replaced yet because I got a Classic for my birthday several months back. In those few months though, this Ipod has been the biggest piece of shit I've ever owned in the field of electronics. Here are all of the problems it currently has:
1. If locked so songs don't get disrupted, it will turn itself off until I unlock it soon after. The [b]second[/b] it's unlocked, it begins playing the song again. Does it while unlocked too. (This isn't a setting problem either, it was not doing this when I first had it and i rarely mess with any of the settings)
2. A lot of songs don't play for any reason, the device just decides it doesn't like that song and it skips over it, to which the little disk drive inside of it makes a whirring noise and skips it.
3. This one is new, it for no reason at all just completely turned itself off. Until I did the manual reset method, it would not respond to any buttons or otherwise.
4. And the final one, for now, is that it often does not properly connect when plugged in unless I put it in a specific USB slot, otherwise it won't connect to the Itunes store and let me add and remove songs.
Funniest thing, is that it's a 160 GB Ipod, yet it only has 15 Gigs of media on it and I'm having all of these problems. What do I do make sure this stupid thing works properly?
Make a Genius Bar reservation at an Apple Store. They can replace it for you if you tell them it's shutting down randomly.