originally posted in:Danger Gang
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Just wondering do you guys think there will be some special dlc for preordering destiny at a certain store? Or any dlc for preordering?
Well they can take two routes: Exclusive armor/weapons/ships/etc. which I don't really care for, OR Exclusive areas/levels and earlier DLC (like how COD gives DLC's to the Xbox a month before PS3 gets it), which would really be unfair as it would give PS3/4 players the better Destiny experience, in which they would have experienced the storyline/new content before Xboxers. Like seeing your big brother get a cool new bike, and he gives it to you after getting a new car, y'know? I'm getting Destiny for the PS4 anyway, but I don't want the Destiny experience to be something just PS-ers get to enjoy first, especially since Destiny is story-driven experience.