I have recently been playing through Mass Effect 3 and I am surprised how epic it is and how much they reward you for playing the previous games. I have about 20 hours logged and there are quite a few times that I had to just stop because of how epic it was. My favorites include:
[spoiler]Killing Udina (I activated the renegade quick time event)
Curing the genophage
Settling the dispute between the Krogan, Turian, and Salarians.
Ending the Geth-Quarian war without having to kill an entire species.
Taking out a Reaper on foot (w/ help of space ships of course)[/spoiler]
There have also been times when I couldn't help laughing namely [spoiler]Joker's reaction to EDI in a body.[/spoiler]
So, what are your favorite moments in games (in general)? And if you have played Mass Effect 3, what were your favorite moments in it?
Ace Combat 5. The Entire Game