Script is now available to play with. Install via [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/]Greasemonkey[/url].
Access the site through [url=http://www.bungie.net/NewHawtness/forum/1]here[/url] and the "forums" through the Community drop down menu.
There will be (and are) quite a lot of bugs in it, so if you do spot something that looks a bit odd, make a note of it [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=61508195&path=1]here[/url].
Thanks, Daz. It's nice to see the old website design with some sort of functionality again.
Thank you!
Bug or just not complete yet, the links to profiles don't lead anywhere. Will you be setting up old style profiles?
Why is it not letting me use it? When I click on the Greasemonkey tab, it's not showing up.
no chrome version?
Eventually I hope to have a version for it.
Edited by GrandmasterNinja: 11/26/2013 5:25:05 PMand when that time comes, I'll be downloading and using it daz!
Nice. This kind of customization is less prone to breaking, as it is based on our service platform instead of modification of the UI. The platform also supports the mobile devices, which means that we are much more careful about breaking backward compatibility (except when absolutely necessary). At some point, we may get around to documenting the full capabilities. Think of it like the Reach Stats API, except for all functionality of bungie.net.
I really love great documentation. Plus it would be sweet to build my own view of BNet. Plus this means faster website release cycles for everyone. I would really like not waiting another 10 years for a major front-end redesign.
Edited by Decimator Omega: 8/29/2013 2:28:10 AMTake what Daz is doing and implement Bungie classic mode! I still can't stand this new website look. I like it old and big and 'disorganized' just like the old website.
The entire website is implemented as a service. Basically, this means with enough time, you can write your own user interface (like he has) and view bungie.net however you want (think the Reach Stats API, but for everything). Daz couldn't really do what he's doing unless we already implemented this service layer. That being said, the old style isn't coming back in a Bungie supported fashion.
So we can make a classic mode with this? Good. Please don't get rid of it!
I have no intention of getting rid of it. Bungie.next itself uses the service to render its pages. So does the mobile app. It exists because we wanted to have both our web and mobile clients talk to the same backend. Using it is waaaay better than the old way of modifying our UI - that would break regularly. This service is unlikely to have breaking changes very often.
Good to know. Thanks Achronos.
Mother of God... Well, the fact of the matter is that there's a ginormous amount of work being done for the new Destiny hawtness (or hawtnesses), and shifting time and resources to making that possible is an obviously bad idea right now. It's not like we're going anywhere!
Wow. That's be amazing.
No Chrome version? Should I hold my breath for one?
Edited by Niedopałek: 8/11/2013 11:20:09 PM-snip-
So in other words you suck at programming and you're pushing a buggy and poorly made product that you wasted months making yet still can't polish. How sad.
Have at it yourself then
suddenly his entire post and everything related to it is invalid good work duardo
Edited by dazarobbo: 8/13/2013 6:30:54 AM0.1 Bugs: - Last page arrow button in forum pagination takes user to next page rather than the last - Pagination shows ellipsis even when only one page is available - Embedded objects (images, videos) are autoloading - Loading replies only shows first child responses - Chained replies result in quote pyramids - Hyperlinks in posts are loading in the same window - Clicking the last post for a topic in the forum only loads the last page without loading/anchoring to the intended post - Alternative host as a backup for halo.bungie.net resources - No integration with logged-in user data (ie. ignores) or permissions (ie. posting) - Alternative for page-hijacking with script (to avoid the 404) - Possible interference with/from other scripts, although there's not a lot that can be done about that - Style rules missing for spoiler tags - Background image not repeating vertically