- Last page arrow button in forum pagination takes user to next page rather than the last
- Pagination shows ellipsis even when only one page is available
- Embedded objects (images, videos) are autoloading
- Loading replies only shows first child responses
- Chained replies result in quote pyramids
- Hyperlinks in posts are loading in the same window
- Clicking the last post for a topic in the forum only loads the last page without loading/anchoring to the intended post
- Alternative host as a backup for halo.bungie.net resources
- No integration with logged-in user data (ie. ignores) or permissions (ie. posting)
- Alternative for page-hijacking with script (to avoid the 404)
- Possible interference with/from other scripts, although there's not a lot that can be done about that
- Style rules missing for spoiler tags
- Background image not repeating vertically
Edited by Viltre: 8/13/2013 6:19:13 AMDoesn't seem like spoiler tags are working properly, [url=http://i.imgur.com/YDRHuAa.png]pic.[/url] [spoiler]Testing.[/spoiler] The background seems to stop mid thread, [url=http://i.imgur.com/wwIsG3k.png]pic.[/url]
So sometime in the future we'll be able to post replies through this script?
Bugs -All topics does not load page one -No forum banner -profile link leads nowhere In the future will we be able to post and use all the features from the new site update? Also, nice work on what you have so far.
[quote]-All topics does not load page one[/quote]Not sure what you mean by this one. The All Topics option from the drop down should load the same topics you see [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics]here[/url], showing All topic types and sorted by Latest. [quote]-No forum banner[/quote]It wouldn't really be correct to add forum banners any more. [quote]-profile link leads nowhere[/quote]That's because there's no account URL handling just yet. After I build that I'll add the links in.
[quote][quote]-No forum banner[/quote]It wouldn't really be correct to add forum banners any more.[/quote]IMO I would really enjoy it if when you clicked on the individual "forums" you would see the old forum banners. I'm not sure how difficult that would be to do, but if you're going for the feel of the New Hawtness the banners were a big part of it.
[quote] -No forum banner It wouldn't really be correct to add forum banners any more.[/quote] Correct? We have them right now.
Ah, never mind. I thought you were talking about the ones from the old site.