[url=http://www.movieplotholes.com/the-wolverine.html][quote]Oh snap! A main villain’s plan that makes no sense! Stop the press. Ok let’s get through it. Yashida wants Wolverine’s healing power: he wants to live forever. He finds him in Canada, brings him to Japan and first asks him gently if he would like to give his powers willingly. Logan refuses and sleeps at his house and plans to leave the next day.
Ok villain, do you realize the movie is over? You have your main target sleeping in your house and you have all the technology necessary to stop him right here right now. You have a mutant who looks like a Conehead deleted scene character called Viper who has poisons that can knock-out pretty much everyone for a few hours. You also have a machine that can be inserted in Wolverine’s mouth to diminish his healing powers. You have EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING you need to make Logan your prisoner in the giant tower 15 minutes into the movie without any resistance from anyone.
So what do you do? Ah yes, the good old ‘’let’s just weaken him and let him roam free in Japan while he fights against the Yakuza with the high possibility of death and/or destruction of his body plan’’. Everything Viper and Yashida do for the rest of the movie, the next 100 minutes of it, is to search for Logan in order to bring him to a base to extract his bone marrow so that Yoshida can get his healing ability. But why would you let him go then? He was already weak and in your house on his very first night in Japan. Poison him and get him to the tower directly.
And we are not done. What about that stupid giant Silver Samurai armor? Talk about a completely pointless thing. What was the plan with that? If Yashida only wanted to cut Logan’s claws, he only needed a machine to do so – not a whole 5 trillion dollar adamantium samurai suit. What will he do with it afterwards? Walk with it on the street? It wouldn’t take long before fighter jets bomb the shit out of him. Nothing says ‘’shoot here’’ better than a 12-feet tall shiny silver machine let loose somewhere! The only logical conclusion we can make out of this is that Logan wasn’t able to completely shield young Yashida from nuclear radiation to his brain.[/quote][/url]
[quote]I talked with my compatriots and they believe that this plot-hole is invalid.
In order to get to Logan's marrow, they would need cut through his bones, which would require one of the Silver Samurai's katanas, which seems to be pretty unwieldy to anyone but the strongest of men. So, plus, the whole suit would need to be there in order to extract the marrow. Having it delivered to the estate in Toyko without being detected would be slightly difficult, and then there's the problem of walking into Logan's room with a mech suit. And the easiest thing to cut plus the fastest way to extract his marrow would be through his claws, since that's six points of entry, but that'd need his claws to be out and he would have to be awake to do that. Of course, they could have knocked him out and skipped right to the slicing at Yashida's village.
On a further note, even if he did succeed, how would he explain his sudden youth and immortality? Logan was going to leave the very next morning, so Yashida had to come up with something, so he faked his death in order to knock out two birds with one stone, making sure his country saw him as dead and enabling to act in secrecy. He'd manipulate his granddaughter to help maintain his company.[/quote]
DEBUNKED by good Dra Zel of the Bungie forums.
Hey Logan, buddy, calm down alright? Alright