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Edited by Spvrinna: 8/12/2013 5:48:09 AM

Halo 4 Missing Armour

I've made a thread in the past, but it wasn't professional enough to be considered a good thread. So, I've got links of pictures to point out the missing armour from the game. Here we go. First off, the Soldier armour is missing the leg pieces. [url=]Concept art.[/url] Not convinced? Here's [url=]a high-res, 3D model[/url] from Liquid Development, the company responsible for the 3D models of the Spartan IVs. Look at the leg armour. It's not featured in the final version of the game. The forearm armour is missing too, but I'll get to that later. [EDIT] Further investigation of the Solider armour set shows that the forearms depicted in the above render are actually separate from the Recruit forearms that were cut from the final version of Halo 4. Another great example of missing armour is the GUNGNIR forearms. Here is [url=]the concept art.[/url] Got a good look of the forearms? Alright. Here's [url=]another reference.[/url] And two more for good measure. This next one isn't exactly missing armour (but, I do believe it is returning in the "Champions Bundle" DLC, coming August 20th), but it's still worth noting. Remember the early version of the Orbital armour? You know, the one without the crappy skull on it? In case you didn't, [url=]here's a reminder.[/url] Here's the concept art: And three more renders to get it into your head. Looks badass, doesn't it? Now, another example of what's missing. Shocker, I know. This one, I can live without, but it would be nice for it to make an appearance. It's the missing leg armour for the "Recon" armour set. Here's a reference, if you're not sure. Not convinced? Here's [url=]both the Recon and Soldier armour's missing leg protection.[/url] Worn by DeMarco (Soldier) and Madsen (Recon). Looks sick, right? Now, in the Soldier render, you may have noticed the forearm armour. It isn't featured in the game. Go look at it. That forearm armour is actually the recruit forearm, but for some odd reason, it was cut from the game. Here's the recruit full armour set: See? The "Recruit" forearms we see in the game today are actually the "Warrior" forearms. Look. If you look at any other armour set (aside from armour sets with respective forearms, like Scout or FOTUS) they are actually using the default "Recruit" forearms that currently aren't featured in-game. Here's a few examples. Hazop: Locus: Recruit: CIO: These are just a few examples. Don't fret, though. In the upcoming DLC, we should see an appearance from the "Recruit" set, with the "Ricochet" armour set. [url=]Here's what I'm talking about.[/url] Notice how, compared to the other photos with the same forearms, it has a different pattern? It may be a different skin for the "Recruit" set. You may be saying [quote]But Prehistoric, maybe it's just like the other photos. It doesn't actually include it with the DLC.[/quote] Here's the first-ever screenshot of the "Recruit" forearms in-game: So, I think it's safe to say that we'll be getting them with the armour set. If you are interested in what comes with the "Champions bundle" DLC, so am I. They are still skimping on what actually comes with it, but so far, they've released the majority of the items. [url=]Here's the Waypoint bulletin that talks about the majority of what's featured in the DLC.[/url] Notice how mysterious they are about what armour gets the new skins? Yeah, me too. There have also been photos of new skins for the weapons that 343 didn't talk about in that Bulletin. So, it leads me to believe that we are actually going to get more than promised. Yay! Anyways, I hope you found this helpful. If you could, what armour would you place into Halo 4 (from the photos above)? For me, it's [i]definitely[/i] the Soldier leg pieces. They just look badass. Plus, Soldier is my favourite armour set, and DeMarco is my favourite S-IV. Cheers.

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