I'm writing a novel. I require a spark of inspiration.
If you have written anything intellectually substantial in your time, I'd appreciate if you shared it.
Guys, I just caught a sneak peek at Verb's new novel! Here is what I saw. [quote] Little -blam!-tard johnny was walking down the -blam!-ing street when a distant gay car screeched to a halt. Dipshit Johnny nervously turned around and saw the gay -blam!-ing douche car staring right at him, headlights -blam!-ing on. Johnny's gut sank like a -blam!-'s gut sinks when he hears a Republican's view on gay marriage, which is -blam!-ing gay. Johnny saw the car spring into action, driving like Camm which is a bitch. He dashed straight towards the oncoming car with an odd sense of courage flowing through his douche veins. The car and Johnny......... [/quote] Well, that's all I have for today. Hopefully I will see more!