I seem to be noticing this all to often.
It seems like people choose to use science when it seems to fit their god damned agenda and it pisses me off. When it comes to atheism you all turn into masters of in the field of physics, chemistry, and biology...which isn't a [i]bad[/i] thing!
But once somebody is arguing about the negative effects of marijuana on the human body people for the drug say shit like "oh that study is biased!", "that study was bad", "yeah those guys had an agenda". You guys sound as ignorant as a scientifically illiterate Christian saying the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaur fossils are some lie conjured by the Devil.
We don't need another damn drug making the general population even more stupid. Just think about how dumb the average person is, and realize that half of us are dumber than THAT. How many weedheads and drug addicts do you think EVER become a productive person in society? Are there any top tier scientist or engineer that use drugs? I don't think so. I like it when we use freedom for freedom of upward mobility, not freedom for stupidity and degenerative behavior.
tl;dr: potheads denouncing science when it doesn't suit them piss me off.
The lifestyle and choices made by people who typically consume pot are not those usually consistent with those of a top tier scientist or engineer. With the stigma and laws against pot combined with this, not many productive studies of the benefits of pot are out there. If you don't have an ailment that requires marijuana as a treatment, why take it? If you use it as a coping mechanism for problems in your daily life or an escape from reality to "feel good," then try to see a psychologist and get legitimate medical treatment for your issues. I'm tired of seeing people fall to pieces after starting to smoke pot to cope with mania/depression/bipolar-disorders/schizophrenia.