What do you guys think?
I'm gonna dress up like a girl, say that I'm transgendered, and then go into the girls locker room and get naked
Cali sucks anyways. This really doesn't change anything.
California, ha! There shouldn't even be transgender people under the age of 18.
California is the lab that liberal progressive ideals are tested. How's that going for you, you broke, thirsty, crybabies?
Edited by Raw Sugar: 7/7/2015 11:04:48 PMWhy would anyone lie about their gender and risk jail time and a criminal record?
People who hate Cali for doing this don't worry, they'll run out of water soon enough.
Edited by GHOST270: 8/14/2013 5:15:29 AMThe only thing i see going wrong is the massive amount of potential abuse. All a dude has to do is fake their status and BAM, into any women's restroom they go. Same with the females. Aside form that i don't much care, i don't give a damn who occupies the stall next to me so long as they stay out of mine.
Stupid. Anyone could just lie about their gender and it doesn't mean it'll be accreted anyway. California tries to be progressive yet suck at implementation. A state ran by idiots.
I'd show up in my moms clothes and see some titties
Hmm, I wonder how many guys are all of a sudden gonna become "transgendered" Way to use your brain California
Edited by Studness4: 8/13/2013 10:03:25 PMSounds great. Now any pervert male can just walk into a female restroom claiming to be transgender. Or vise versa. What about the rights of people who accept their gender, why do they have to be uncomfortable? The bathrooms are seperate for a reason. You either have a dick or a vag, accept it. Gender isn't a state of mind.
I'm against it. If we let transgender students use the bathroom they want, men could sneak into the women's bathroom so easily. All they would have to do is dress up as a female, and identify themselves as female everywhere else they go so no one would catch on. I mean, how hard is it to fool everyone you know into thinking you're the opposite gender? Now, California schools will devolve into a Satan fueled orgy of destruction because transgender students are allowed to use the bathroom that they want. Fortunately, there are all of these clear negative effects. Otherwise, it would seem like I'm making up bullshit because I'm scared of progress, and can't understand that gender isn't black and white.
As a transgender livibg in California myself it's cool that this is a thing now but at the same time if it wasn't a thing it wouldn't affect me much, I mean this seems more like a thing for dressing/locker rooms or shower rooms, I mean in a bathroom each toilet is walled off from each other so no one sees anything but in a locker room or shower room i think it makes more sense I mean think about it, you're a woman in a mans body or a man in a woman's body and you're in a room with everyone of you're opposite sex (mentally not physically) who are undressing themselves, it easy to see why a transgender person would be uncomfortable
Edited by Douche McGraw: 4/28/2015 1:59:51 AMI live in California and I really and truly don't give a sh!t. Good for them. Won't change my restroom habits. It has nothing to do with me at all.
When it comes to restrooms it should be based on your parts. Butch lesbians don't belong in the mens room like feminine men don't belong in the women's room.
It's nobody's business.
SWIGGITY ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ⊂ ⊂ ) ( ( ( (_(_) Swoogity ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ( U つ ) ) ) (_)_) I'm ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ⊂_へ つ (_)| 彡 (_) Coming ∧_∧ (・_・)っ (っ / Lノ┘ For that ∧___∧ ⊂(・_・ ) ヽ ⊂二/ (⌒) / Soul. / \ | ● ● | \ ___ /[/quote][/quote]
Not really sure what to think of this. Transgender people in general confuse me.
That's pathetic.
Okay, I'll support gay rights. They can have everything that straight people have. But, here's the deal. Men don't have the choice to go into a women's restroom and vice versa. A transgender person shouldn't have that right, either. If you were born a male, you belong in the men's restroom. If you were born a female, you belong in the women's restroom; regardless of your sexual bits.
Personally If you have a penis you're a male If you have a vagina you're a woman Now transgender is tricky Are these people legitimately transgender? As in they have had surgery to become the opposite sex? Because if I claim to be transgender just to stare at naked women then no. Penis=male Vagina= woman Unless the surgery has been applied until then I wouldn't want a man (yes they're scientifically men don't give me the they consider themselves a woman bull) walking into the locker room where my daughter is changing. I would kick his ass.
I am ok with it as long as the state puts money and resources into accommodating the people who are uncomfortable. A private room should be setup for these people who cannot deal with the change. If it isnt fair to subject transgendered people to use facilities they don't identify with, it is equally unfair to subject people to share a gender oriented room with someone who isn't physically the same gender. Also I just noticed this topic is as old as Pepperidge farm.
I think it's a great idea
No I don't want to see that nasty -blam!-. They should only use one bathroom. Needy -blam!-s
Honestly, it's a step in the right direction.