In multiple interviews I've heard and or read that Destiny is still in the Pre Alpha* stage. A couple months ago when the contract between Activision and Bungie was leaked, it said that Destiny was slated to release in 2013, and now it isn't releasing til 2014.
Is it just me or has Bungie taken a bigger bite than they can chew? I only think this because of the push back of the release date and the game still being in pre alpha.
Is another Halo 2 in the making?
*Now I know very little about game development, so the alpha and beta stages may move along very quickly compared to everything else. I do know that once a game goes gold it takes about a month-a month and a half until it can be Inna consumers hand.
The longer they take, the better it'll be, imo. It means they're taking this game seriously and I need a really awesome game after getting Reach and ODST :/