I just wanted to see if the Flood is more Conservative or Liberal.
I personally am Conservative
When destiny came out it seems like there was a huge spike in conservatives
Liberal, well at least in the Classical sense. I guess the modern term is Libertarian. So social Liberal and fiscally conservative. Though I lean right of center. 1934 NFA needs to go 1968 Gun Control act needs to go 1986 automatic weapon ban needs to go ATF should be a convenience store not a government agency Legalize pot Legalize prostitution Put hard drugs in a grey area where you won't be arrested for use, but you will receive no medical care as a result of your use States rights trump federal power except when states rights curtail the powers of the people given to them by the constitution. Maintain a smaller, but defensively strong military presence. Place troops on both borders Disband the Federal reserve No tax on personal property
In the middle.
I'm surprised that the poll is as even as it is.
Socially liberal, fiscally conservative.
Edited by Magical Robot: 10/27/2013 6:28:52 AMI do not fit into any classification. till someone classifies my view.
If you can actually describe your political stance using a label, you are a sheep.
I personally subscribe to a socialist idea, not in their monetary policies, only their political policies. I think government should be run completely by the people, just normal people not elected officials. But I don't agree with socialism in the whole a doctor and a janitor should make the same amount of money thing.
Edited by Entraps: 10/27/2013 5:55:33 AMBoth. 50/50. I'm socially conservative, and liberal in most other ways. I lean toward authoritarianism, and I find libertarianism to be extremely ridiculous.
Edited by theTYTAN3: 10/27/2013 6:29:55 AMI'd say I'm basically a social liberal and a fiscal conservative, But I voted conservative on this poll.
Neither, but I agree with conservative values more than liberal values.
Neither. Independent is the best way to go.
Both are retarded
Lol who rustled this thread up?
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Neither, I'm a commie.
Where the -blam!- is the middle option?!
What would I be if I'm fiscally conservative, but socially/ethically liberal?
F*ck politics
Edited by Gabriel Eisen: 8/14/2013 7:52:16 AMNeoliberal policies of investment, trade and labor, including commercial deregulation and the rise of “casino economics”, massive increases in public and private debt, inflationary monetary policy, perpetual conflict and the rise of the militarized police state, all on a global scale are resulting in an unprecedented shift of power “upwards” to an oligarchic system of transnational economic interests. These policies are shaping the world we live in, relegating traditional liberalism and conservatism to mere talking points. Political discourse has become both divisive and divertive in nature. All the ultra-partisan gridlock, perceived governmental incompetence and hokum theatrics are a grand charade for the gross reality; those in “power” sell consent to policies that are hostile to most people, mandated by increasingly narrowing interests.