[quote]We don't need a movie adaption of The Silmarillion.[/quote]
wat. they are doing what?
No, and I'm positive we won't get one while Christopher Tolkien is still alive. But I've seen hundreds of people ready for a film adaption of The Silmarillion. What no one is realizing is that any attempt to adapt it in that way will be impossible, even more so than it was said about The Lord of the Rings before Peter Jackson took it on. Here's why (Spoiler tagged to avoid a wall):[spoiler]It wouldn't work due to the immense history and complexity of the stories within. If the one-year journeys in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings require three films to properly adapt (though this is debatable for The Hobbit), the 500-year chronicles of the First Age alone would take too long to adapt into film. And that's excluding Creation (which took place before the concept of sight, making attempts of adaption pointless), the Years of the Lamps (35,000 years of constant battle between the deities responsible for Creation), and the Years of the Trees (another 15,000 years, but with a bit more adaption substance than the previous age). If the events of The Silmarillion could possibly be adapted, it would have to be as a television series with a suitable budget and the [i]perfect[/i] team that knows the source material inside and out (screwing it up would be the vilest blasphemy in the eyes of the Tolkien fanbase). Even then, if the adaption rights to The Silmarillion were given to the right hands, the one book on its own doesn't go into enough detail in certain areas in order to fully adapt faithfully. Whereas some stories are told with more focus on one character, some accounts cover [i]years[/i] of time very vaguely. The Silmarillion was written more like a history textbook than a novel. If those vague points in content were to be filled, the adaption rights to Unfinished Tales and the 12 volumes of The History of Middle-earth would be needed as well (or at least the former since The History of Middle-earth is mostly very early manuscripts, some of which might not have been Tolkien's original intent of his stories).[/spoiler]
What the hell? The Silmarillion has enough to make ten 4 hour movies. What idiot would try and make a single movie out of it when The Hobbit is being split into parts?
... oh no.