So if you can't tell by the options, I am playing Mass Effect 3. I know I am late and it's kind of a bummer because I have had full exposure to the controversy about the ending. But I have the extended cut so it should be better. But it makes it harder as the game goes along to decide how you are going to end the game. I just finished the mission on Thessia and with how intense it's getting, I know I am nearing the end. I am conflicted about all the endings and I will explain why. Needless to say, spoilers ahead.
I have a problem with synthesis because that was what Saren promoted in Mass Effect 1 and he was indoctrinated by Sovereign. I have a problem with control because that's what the Illusive Man wants. I can't stand the guy, even in ME 2. And I just learned on Thessia that Kai Leng is indoctrinated thanks to the prothian VI so it's not a long shot to think that the Illusive man is as well. And then comes the last option, destroy synthetics. I have a problem with this for a lot of reasons, Legion was amazing and he sacrificed himself (in my game) to give the geth independence. I also ended the Geth-Quarians war and they are rebuilding much faster with help from the geth. I also can't think of destroying EDI especially now that she and Joker have a thing. So I don't know what I am going to choose. What did you choose and why?
TL;DR I have conflicts with all 3 Mass Effect 3 endings and I am not about to tell the star child no and doom the galaxy. What did you choose and why?
EDIT: I just finished the game and I have posted my thoughts in a new thread.
Dammit I picked control but ingame I picked destroy. So I pretty much accidentally killed the Quarian's then killed the geth by choice.