Why am I posting this? I dunno. To see if anyone wants to have a look-see I suppose and try to gather feedback on what to tweak (some things have already been changed). [url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1149164_624955744195700_1801228458_o.jpg]Here's a recent render with an added roof and some props colour palletes have been altered[/url]. Feedback is especially welcomed if you played FFX and have any suggestions on how to improve the atmosphere of the stadium. I want to make it as nostalgic as possible
I guess I'm mainly posting this for any Final Fantasy fans who might want to check it out. Backstory, I decided to help a programmer friend. He wanted to make a little game based on Blitzball from FFX, so here is a stadium for the game that me and a friend created together.
[spoiler]Also if anyone's interested we may need some talented 3D character modellers and/or animators if you're up for that sort of thing.[/spoiler]
I have no idea whats going on, but it looks very cool indeed.