Greetings everyone! I've recently bought Halo CE for pc, and I'm having quite a bit of fun on it. Mainly the multiplayer since I've never played Halo ce lan games on Xbox before.
However, as fun as all that may be, I really want to start using some of the awesome mods I've seen and heard about. I already have Halo Custom Edition downloaded and Open Sauce. I just need help on how to actually get and use mods.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Oh, and my OS is windows 7, if that helps at all.
I had this in #Gaming for the past few days, no one replied. So I'll try #Offtopic.
I'm not sure if you are still looking for answers OP but I'll go ahead and post this anyways. [url=]This site is pretty much the #1 halo pc resource[/url] First of all you need to download and install [url=]Custom Edition[/url]. This will allow you to play user created maps. You will need to enter the CD key from your copy of Halo PC in order to install. Custom edition is official (not made by some random guy) and was put out by Gearbox after they ported the game to PC. After you install the game you should go ahead and start it up, go to multiplayer and then click "online". The game should now automatically update to version 1.09 (files are still downloaded from bungie last I saw but they may have been transferred to 343/MS by now) Now you can go ahead and download player created maps. When you download a map it will be in a .zip folder so go ahead and extract the files and then place the .map file inside of your Halo Custom Edition Maps folder. For windows 7 this should be located at: My Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (X86) > Microsoft Games > Halo Custom Edition > maps If you see files like: etc. etc. You are in the right place. Place the map file in this folder and now you can play on the map. In order to see user created maps in the MP server browser you need to enable "show user created maps" under the filters option. This will allow you to see which multiplayer maps are being played on and then you can download accordingly.