We all know that religion is a huge part of people's lives even today, with a large percentage of the population classing themselves as religious in some form or another. The Christian Church, for example, has a mindboggling amount of followers.
But what has this got to do with time travel, you ask?
What if time travel has already been created, but has been covered up by the Churches of the world, in a combined effort to stop people from travelling back in time to either stop the religion from forming, or to witness the events first-hand and risk altering the faiths of billions in the process? The Churches have a significant amount of financial backing, making them powerful in their own accords. Imagine the damage that could be done by returning with footage of Jesus or Muhammad which contradicts even the most fundamental teachings of each religion.
We all like to joke about the Illuminati, but what if they were the ones trying to free time travel from the clutches of the Churches? What if the [i]Churches[/i] are the conspirators?
It all makes sense now...
"Church has power" Lol