So, it's been revealed. GTA Online is looking absolutely incredible.
Customisable characters
Properties and vehicles owned and managed by you
Ability to earn money for multiplayer purchases
Hideouts where you can invite friends to hang out
Co-op heists and jobs
Customisable races and deathmatch arenas
The list goes on!
[b]Take a look at [url=]this article[/url] for some more juicy GTA goodness.[/b]
Information from article:
Custom cars can be bought and insured to ensure their safety. if they're destroyed, you call the insurance company for a replacement. If you leave a car unattended for too long, it gets impounded, and you have to go to the impound lot to collect it, paying a small fee.
Players have the opportunity to hire private mechanics to work in their garages, repairing damaged cars and offerring the ability to have a car delivered to you on the move.
Custom emotes are an option, as described when a player lowers the roof of his convertible and flips off his friend.
Heists in GTA Online can share earnings, or choose to hog it for the leader's own use. Alternatively, other heist members can kill or steal from these greedy leaders, and take a cut for themselves... or the whole amount.
Police chases appear live on TVs accessible by the players, giving a real-time view of any chases players are involved in.
Using voice chat in-game, player characters lip-sync speech, and urgently telling shopkeepers in holdups to hurry up will actually increase the speed at which they comply. Calling out will alert guards, and act as a distraction for friends during heists and robberies.
[quote]Original post:
My body is very, very ready.
In preparation for the reveal just over four hours from now, what are you hoping to see in GTA Online? What would seal the deal for you (if you haven't already been sold - and if not, what the hell is wrong with you?)?
Personally I'm hoping that there are no vehicle restrictions on the multiplayer. With such a huge expanse of game world, I would love to have access to every single vehicle you can get in singleplayer, unlike we see in GTA IV where only a selection are available.
Und du?[/quote]
Im so ready for this game.