[quote][b]Obama Administration Revives SOPA Proposal To Make Unauthorized Streaming A Felony[/b][/quote]
[quote][i]From the Huffingtontonpost.com[/i]
[quote]The department's Internet Policy Task Force last week proposed making it a felony to stream copyrighted works. According to Techdirt, such a provision, if interpreted broadly, could apply to people who upload covers of themselves performing songs to YouTube without permission.[/quote]
[quote]Criminalizing streaming was then made a key component of the much-maligned Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which sought to stem the spread of copyrighted material on the Web. Opponents, with the support of Google, Reddit and other large websites, said the bill threatened free speech online and mounted a protest campaign that culminated with President Barack Obama announcing that he would not support the legislation.[/quote]
[quote]Their solution is to make streaming -- including material that would fall under the "public performance" category -- the kind of crime that courts can punish with years of prison time.[/quote][/quote]
Well it seems that as long as Obama has his way in power he has no need to suite the desires of the general public.
So how many times have the government tried to pull off this stunt; Three, maybe four times already? Sheesh, when would they get the hint that it's something that's not wanted or needed? But I guess that so as long as money is being handed out that they'll do anything to keep getting that money.
It's not going to work. Even if they did pass it how are you going to arrest EVERYONE who uploads a youtube video with copyrighted content? You can claim anything is copyrighted or interpreted as such. This ridiculous bill needs to stop being proposed because there's no point in it.