That was amazing. Sad to see such an amazing series end after these 6 years.
[spoiler]I hated that they died. I wanted them to live at the end of it all. And I thought the part where MC became a vegetable was WAY too morbid for me.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]from the sound of the gas being on to the explosive ending that had to be one of my favourite parts of the entire series. Kind of hate to see it go but all good things must come to an end.[/spoiler]
Famous last words: [i]:')[/i] -Master Chief
[spoiler] Honestly, I feel it should have ended with them playing Halo again. It just doesn't make sense to me that arby didn't want to kill himself but was okay with chief killing them both. It doesn't make sense to me. I also felt it was too heavily influenced by one life remaining. [/spoiler]
Who still watches this? I lost interest when he became too series, I loved the show when he would just make fun of the community.
:'( I wouldn't have had it end any other way, to be honest. It perfectly fit the direction that Jon was having the character arcs go and I think it's a more 'realistic' way to conclude the story, reinforcing that inevitability of death. The foreshadowing throughout the series through that image of the crumbling building on Headlong was [i]genius[/i], it's so cool to watch the earlier episodes of this season, see that and know that Jon had the ending planned out the way it was. I feel quite a connection with this show and have done for the past 6/7 years. It has grown and matured alongside me which is really cool to see, a lot of people seem to think that the show should have just eternally been about dick jokes and repetitious arguments about video games - I see enough of that shit online as it is. I'm so glad that Jon chose to evolve the show into something more mature and narrative-driven. I'm going to really miss that feeling of 'what's going to happen next week?'. Admittedly, the bit where Chief asks Arbiter to wait for him by the gates so they can "-blam!- shit up" gave me qite a lump in my throat.
Well, hopefully whatever Jon has next will be just as great.
What? It's ending, like forever?
I honesty can't pull myself to watch it. I stopped watching after LA and I didn't bother catching up. I just can't see it end.
[spoiler]The whole "waiting around the gates to find each other" line gave me some serious feels, not gonna lie.[/spoiler]
Edited by OptimusPrime 15: 8/17/2013 10:38:51 PM:') [spoiler]Figures Chief would make Arby and himself die at the same time. Sick -blam!-. Good way for them to go out though.[/spoiler] Well time to unsub from Machinima.
Great end to a great show.
I saw it already and even when i was expecting them to die i still had that sad feel of how how they die and arbiter's words about him and the world :c (also didn't expect Tyler )
Edited by Fekron: 8/17/2013 10:44:46 PM
That foreshadow man..
And nothing of any value was lost.