So I was out biking yesterday trying out a new route for some exercise, when going by this park I saw a group of about 15 teenagers, high schoolers and maybe middle schoolers, didn't pay close attention to tell, they weren't being a pain then. On my way back though after I hit a dead end for my route, two of them were now doing 180s and such on push scooters. Yes, push scooters, the 10 year old and under, method of transportation.
So I had to bike past them, but didn't want to veer into the grass and have to navigate their group on both sides of the sidewalk, so I spoke in a loud enough to hear voice to the two dudes on the sidewalk "could you go to the right side" so I could pass on the left. They ignored me, so I awkwardly started to hang there for about 10 seconds before I was going to have to get off because I lost my speed, so I decided to just go by them anyways.
The first teen immediately starts shouting every insult and derogatory slur he can think of at me as I went by him because he wasn't paying attention, I had ear-buds in though so I only heard about half of what he yelled. I continue coasting by and as I'm about to go around the corner on my left, I put one hand back and give him the finger, just because.
The funny part is here, for the next 4-5 street blocks, this guy made it his life goal to try and keep up with me on his push scooter because he's obviously pissed at this point. I'm cruising along looking back as I turn each corner to see if he's still trying, and he is for those few blocks, and I make sure to turn around and wave at him for each one. Eventually though he gives up, and probably curses and yells into the air before going back to his friends and bragging about how he caught me and kicked my ass or something.
Moral of the story though, if a teenager is being an ass, who better to piss him off in return than another teen? You may mock and insult me if you like, but i found this whole thing hilarious. Discuss.
When life's being a dick, laugh at it....