Yup. Some have described it as Ico meets Wind Waker, and it looks freaking sweet.
And it's named after an Age in Myst (I'll be honest, I expected a Myst-alike when they first described it), what's not to love? Maybe it wasn't intentional, though.
What's your pick of the show?
Edited by Rex2: 8/21/2013 4:01:48 AMRime certainty looks interesting, but I've never been too interested in 'art' games, mainly because they lack, well, gameplay/replayability/length (not that I know Rime is of such category of game). I guess out of Sony's conference, I enjoyed the Killzone Shadow Fall MP reveal. Look at that MP character model, can somebody say Holy Shit (it's art without being a nonsensical art game!)?
The Shadow of the Beast. [i]I literally creamed my pants when they announced it. [/i]
.... I don't see much outside of the games art style. I'll be enjoying wind waker hd, you guys can try this one out and let me know how it os after it comes out.
That Beast game,(forgot the name), looks pretty sweet.
Definitely infamous. Game looks stellar.
Well time is the only preview I've seen from today and I'd definitely buy it. Looks awesome. Don't care if its a blatant zelda rip off. Love zelda and probly am not getting another Nintendo system any time soon. Plus, while skyward sword was awesome in a lot of ways, it also let me down in almost as many ways and almost seemed like the end of a great thing. ( why the hell did they decide "Ganon's spirit" is this demise fellow? Stupid )
This, and Everyone's Gone to Rapture are my two personal favorites from their Gamescom conference.
Meh it looks ok. Just looks like another adventure game to me
A new Jak and Daxter. [spoiler]i can only dream[/spoiler]
Yes, this is another of Sony's unique gems. I look forward to it, and would love to buy it if I have extra money.
Killzone and Watch Dogs