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originally posted in:Team Coyote
Edited by xBear19: 8/24/2013 1:44:11 AM

Sides: #1 (Fallen fan fiction

Entry 1: Conditions: Fair, at least for a prairie. Date: 1/3 through earths passed of accounted year 2472 Journal entry: "To concur, to populate, to with hold our future," the chant of our elder still buzzes through my tired membranes yelling out for our race to come over our ignorant others "for our time to go and cause the falling of another stronghold has come". To wake up is to forget about how ever the past was, and to remember that we can all change. I was once part of a large, grand, and feared nest empire of, what enemies, called The Fallen. Seems a tad silly, yet from the amount of civilizations that have failed by our hands is, little to say, breath taking. Now I walk across a scratchy and pestilent area known as a "prairie" in the man made Western Hemisphere. It is not the obvious cut offs, such as the North or South of a planet, but the world as seem by the native populists. This location makes me regret swindling the Nest. At least the Nest had familiar sleeping arrangements, unquestionable food sources, and familiar faces you could smile and nod to. "As we felled another planet to claim as our own, we must become more advanced in our training, and learn from the fight of how to get better (if possible)" his eyes cut through us to give us the comfort of knowing death is just another obstacle of every one in the room. From left to right our brothers and sisters cheered and chanted "the command has strength!". Memories are needed to forget. I did not kill a human. I did not do it for the insane fascist ways of our nest. Never shall I be part of the nest again. I shall use only what there was from the regret. That regret matches the others ten fold. Makes every sensory vein in my body cringe. The human who was murdered did not seem like other species we had encountered on this journey. Most tried to fight back and kill us. It laid there and screamed. Not one of anger or war, but of fear. The very thing we were strictly told to ignore. It was murdered and left a foul taste in the air. One of wrongful judgement, and one of not judging enough. I am, maybe now was, a soldier. The strongest of our over powering population. "These are animals. They feel nothing, but they do occupy the land and resources we desperately need right now. We shall crush..." " What do you mean animals?" I asked disrespectfully and on abrupt terms. "They are like the flesh you eat or the bodies we roast for our meals" "These ones are different. I saw it in combat today." He gave me the look of both anger and concern. "We told you already to forget about that." "It showed me a side to them." I had planted a pistol from my quarters in my loose post war suit. I had planned this for hours. Thinking about it only makes me smile with stupidity. Angrily he picked me up with his lesser arms and held my head with one of his hold arms and whispered in my ear "this is your crew. Don't mess up in front of your hundreds of siblings now." My mind searched for, seemingly at the minute, a good set of last words to say. "That's exactly what I plan to do..." The wall, that beautiful wall. It's symbolism to me now gives me a rush of joy. I don't have enough energy to walk, yet the sight of my goal has gotten me running. Running towards a new life. A new start for a real purpose. A better set of existent beings to share stories with. A true side to a new war. The wall, that beautiful stretch of symbolism. The echo screeched through the domed room. The light blue blood of the elder was now staining my clothes. The crowd was silent, and even I had a hard time believing that it had happened. The fall of their leader. Only about 546 more elders like him in the entire Nest system, spread throughout this dark void. This one had now fallen. This one was now limp due to my doings. Due to my thoughts. Due to my beliefs. I stumbled for words to say as the quick to think held me to the floor. The feel of the metal. I rub my tired, dry, and numb head on it and close my eyes. This is it. Just walk in there. Just start a new life. Just become what you've only wanted for three days, but sacrificed everything to keep safe. One arm reaches forward to greet a new life, but the rest pound for salvation. "I AM THE RIGHTFUL DOING! FOLLOW ME BROTHERS FOR GUIDANCE! I CAN LEAD YOU TO WHERE WE CAN BE A BETTER PEOPLE!" A foot landed perfectly on the side of my face to draw blood. Out of vengeance this did happen. I had pushed his foot up and grab the others feet. The weapon used to kill the elder fell the last centimeter to reach the ground. It shall have more victims. A yell cried out from the wall "THEY'RE HERE!". I look around. Still alone in this place. Not sure why the humans yelled "they". A brass and steel arm juts out of the wall and pulls me in. The ground I was running on was cold and friendly. The people trying to save the three fresh victims didn't have time for me. We were still landed. I didn't need a helmet or sword for this adventure. Only a knife and a pistol. It was time to survive, and time to find the wall that we were about to invade. The lights hurts. Waking up in such a crude way hurts. The now clarified man looked at me with amazement and fear. That emotion again. That cursed, and that very human emotion. The man standing across the room bashed my head with a weak wood rod that quickly broke and said ", I need answers you ugly son of a bitch! Why are you attacking us!?" Another hit with the broken rod draws blood from its, now sharp, shaft. Another scar for this adventure. "Can you speak to me?" He raises the rod again. "Yes, YES! Just please don't hit me with that upsetting piece of junk again!" He looked surprised for some reason. "You can speak English? How? I was hoping to just bash you to death and yelling thoughts at you..." "Our species does study you bastards. You and five other planets had many citizens that spoke. What did you call it? English?" "Yes." "It's a very beautiful language." "It's weird to see our enemy so... Relaxed." Another man entered the room to agree with him. They covered the middle and top of my head with a sticky, long, and thin object. It was shiny on the side without the adhesive. These men got into the argument to end the other arguments going on at the time. They ripped their crude sound blocking object off my scalp. It hurt to the extent of a pain twitch. They started their questioning. "There are exactly how many of you?" "So many we lost count. Last count sited over fourteen sextillion spread through multiple planets." One shook his head and the other took a deep breath. One piped up "what's your people's goal?" "To destroy, rebuild, and populate. It has been working well." "How many p-planets..." He trailed off. "Have we concurred? The unofficial count stands at 31." The angry one that greeted me forced his fist into the wall, and screamed while yelling explicative language into the air. The new, and notably nicer one, sighed and forced a bag over my head. I had not noticed until now, but they had tied my arms into a bundle behind my back, all four of them wrenched backwards in a uncomfortable position. Now was time to sleep. I have snuck this journal into the world to keep track of if my sacrifice was towards a worthy cause. Until the next entry. The humans are a rash species so far. Hopefully the leaders are more tame.

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