Calling all game nerdz! I need your knowledge!
I've been living under a rock for the last year. I see that a new Splinter Cell has come out and if I'm correct, it has a [i]Spies vs Mercs[/i] multiplayer like Chaos Theory. For that reason alone I must have this game!
I just bought a Wii U on impulse(don't hayte) and I'm considering buying Splinter Cell for it rather than the Xbox360. Would this be wise? Does anyone know if the Wii U has chat ability like XBL and if the Wii U Live is reliable enough to have enough players for this game online?
Either way, I need some doodz. If you have the game, add me on Wii U or Xbox360 depending on which Console you guys persuade me to get it for.
XBL GT: Predator5791
Wii U thingy: Pree5791
Holy crap I cannot make up my friggin mind. Any more input before I pull the trigger at random?