The vid is so biased it's almost sad. It uses emotion to try to trick you into thinking that Stand Your Ground lets people stalk and murder innocent people. They try make it look like it's a gun law and not a self-defense law. I don't even want to go into the rest of it. I'm sure there are plenty of soccer moms out there who know nothing about what Stand Your Ground really is, crying over how inspirational they think this video is and how guns are evil and how that Stand Your Ground is a murderers law.
I don't understand you America.
>Tfw when your state wasn't part of the dead VA is still pretty good with gun laws though. I can OC! and we have a Case law
Wow, that seemed like a pro-gun ad to protect yourself from criminal scum. I laughed at the, "Our laws should protect victims." Because that's exactly what happened with George Zimmerman.
My heartstrings remain unplucked
What's that? Anti-gun people are using propoganda, lies, half truths and appeals to emotion to make their case? Well no -blam!-ing shit. So does the gun club. Still think Stand Your Ground is flawed.
They forgot the part where Trayvon was on Zimmerman beating him up and saying "You're gonna die tonight!"
That many people really have me muted? Wow. Why? I haven't made a Tinkerbell thread in a while. It's not all I post. All of my threads are always missed :(
Not really ridiculous, but I won't change your mind so meh.