I just woke up and turned on my TV where a debate was being had with this as the topic question, two people were against it and one person believed that schools should. I understand that the majority of answers will be no, but I'm interested in seeing some of the arguments from those that think they should.
Depends on the religion and their beliefs.
I'm sure there are worse things that happen in faith schools. Probably all kind of child molesting going on.
ban faith schools
No, they shouldn't. If gay kids are constantly told that the way they are is wrong, they're gonna develop all kinds of problems growing up.
Question, can forcing someone to deny their sexualtiy lead to problems? Like forcing left handed people to being right handed often left them with speech impediments. It just seems like the two are both fundamental aspects of somebodies life.
Out of interest, were you watching Sunday Politics?
Who the hell would send their children to those schools? Or public schools?
>2013 >Being against homosexuality
Yes, let's just encourage ignorance. /sarcasm
Schools should just educate the children on degeneracy and how it effects society as a whole. If they as individuals choose to live the gay life then fine, but at least they'll be educated on the dangers of degeneracy and won't be a drain on the worth of society.
No educational establishment should discourage a harmless lifestyle, regardless of it's religious alignment.
I think student sexual orientation should be completely ignored. It's a school about faith, not sexuality.
Schools are there to educate, not to discourage harmless lifestyles which by doing so will promote bullying
Nope. Any school that teaches that homosexuality is wrong should be stripped of all public funding.
In Ancient Greece homosexuality was socially acceptable.