originally posted in:Nephilim Rising
What faction would you most likely choose?
PvP: Faction Wars
I think Faction Wars will be like the color teams on halo, like Red vs Blue, but insted of randomly be changing teams on every match, you will choose one team "Faction" and stay on it.
I think thats what it would happen because sometimes playing halo, i thought I was Blue when i was Red (I was Blue most of the time) and sometimes shoot at my team mates, or even kill them beacuse i thought i was of the other team ( It wasn't that often)
I think we should all be one faction for pvp and vote which one that will be.
If I had to choose based on symbol and name, it would be New Monarchy. But I will wait to hear in detail about each before I swear allegiance.
Dead orbit is over rated everybody likes it just because of the name
I don't want factions to be a direct player choice. I want each faction to have a set of values, and as you complete missions and perform other in-game actions, your reputation with these factions changes. Some, if not all, of these values should be mutually exclusive, so that you cannot appease all factions at the same time. Only after you've gained a high enough reputation with a particular faction are you invited to join.
with just first impressions i like Osiris and new monarchy
Edited by Gnarly Army: 8/25/2013 6:15:02 PMI'm going with Future War Cult until we know more about what the factions do.
I still have no clue what these factions are for, what they do, and how you know about them
wish they had more info on what the factions are individually and or what they do, i believe i read somewhere dead orbit is a ship building one? anyway probably to early to know anyway. But Seven Seraphs would be my first pick
seven seraphs
Dead Orbit all the way!