I would say I saw probably about 60 different posts.
If you saw the chicken butt picture give yourself 5 points each time you saw it.
to see how well you did contrast -blam!-s you gave to number of facebook posts seen.
0 because I don't have shitty friends that watch crap like VMA's
Zero, I don't have a Facebook. That's the only way to avoid its stupidity.
None, I saw my share on Twitter.
Loving all of the "I don't use facebook so I can avoid stupidity" comments because they're on bungie.next. oh the irony
After all the math [spoiler]0[/spoiler]
Miley needs a boob job.
People are still on Facebook?
Dat little sneaky hank hill buttcheeked whore... We are all saying her name and that's exactly what the whore wanted! Grrr >:( My goodness, i guess the only answer is to never speak of it again.
Only retards use Facebook.
So many -_-
None infact the only place I've seen anything about her is on reddit
I'm pretty disappointed in Miley and her choice to do that performance. Also, it was her dad's birthday. Happy birthday, Billy Ray Cyrus - your daughter is trash.
None is it worth googling what happened?
This is what happens when you give women equal rights and let them out of the kitchen...
Too many. Seriously, why do people give a shit?
Why do people cae about Miley Cyrus all so sudden? Like seriously I wake up and theres plenty of complaints about Miley Cyrus posts but I have yet to see one post about Cyrus that isn't complaining of posts about her.
I rarely check out what's going on on facebook...I think I noticed one. There were probably more that I didn't bother paying attention to.
Too many.
I have no idea what is going on yet, so no.
I made a account just to see about this thing turns out I got 4000 posts about but never saw the chicken.
Ya one of my friend trolled o Facebook and I have 0
None, and I actually use Facebook. I guess nobody near me cares.
Never saw it. And I do use facebook.
>Facebook >2013 Lol
0. Don't use Facebook.