Miley Twerked on Robin's Pelvis, do think that was ok?
Here's the thing, she's an entertainer, its basically her job to shock people, she puts on a show, that is all, now move on there are more concerning matters right now than what a performer in her 20's does on stage.
It was worth it solely for the reaction of Will Smith and his kids.
I just don't care all that much.
The dude is married, it was on national TV, and she pretended to masturbate with a foam finger. There is no class left in pop music.
I'm sorry who we talking about? For those dear readers out there that don't get a joke I just used it. I don't know why people bother with trashy girls like Miley. They do nothing good in society. It is hilarious to see them go from being some nice child star to full blown trash and mental disorder mess when the grow up. Hollywood is good at doing that to people.
Wooooo another child star that grew up into a washed up trashy moron.
-blam!- that bitch.
Edited by BADMAGIK: 8/27/2013 9:24:20 PMI personally think it very distasteful for television. I understand a lot of you not get it because you are young still, but she is a celebrity and people, especially young girls will naturally look up to her and she is providing them with a very bad and disgusting example. When you guys get older and have children you will hopefully understand the importance of certain kinds of censorship and what it is to be a man or woman.
Don't care, didn't even watch it.
Miley Cyrus confirmed that she is now a trashy, washed-up ex-Disney star.
My favourite part was that the audience was dead silent the whole time she was an stage.
I don't give a shit. Also, your grammar is still awful.
I honestly could not care less about celebrities and celebrity fame-stunts.
Her ass looked like a K'NEX slot when she bent over
ehh whatever im not gonna be a hypocrite, vengaboys made songs about -blam!-ing hookers all night and the vids showed it, yet i have no problem banging my head to that beat you know, maybe this will be pretty funny for everybody in a few years, who knows
She doesn't even have a butt.... why would she twerk?
It's not the twerking specifically that bothers me. The whole performance was outrageously slutty.
That was hardly even the worst part of the performance.
No it wasn't okay. Robin Thicke is married he should never have allowed that when they were planning their act.