I get that it looks pretty good and all.. but the whole mech thing is nothing new.
I mean we have games like Gundam where fighting in mechs is the whole point.
I can very quickly see it going the way of Battlefied and COD, with EA saying that they will be rotating Battlefied, Titanfall and Battlefront I can easily see it becoming another casual shooter.
I am getting a Ps4 so I will not be able to play it, until it comes to Playstation, but I really hope it does not become something they release again every few years with a few added guns or mechs and slightly improved graphics.
[quote] I am getting a Ps4 so I will not be able to play it,[/quote] [quote] the whole mech thing is nothing new. I mean we have games like Gundam where fighting in mechs is the whole point.[/quote] Explains this thread perfectly. Also, if the tables had been reversed where the PS4 had it as an exclusive, you and every other fanboy would be nonstop about it so shut your pie hole.