I get that it looks pretty good and all.. but the whole mech thing is nothing new.
I mean we have games like Gundam where fighting in mechs is the whole point.
I can very quickly see it going the way of Battlefied and COD, with EA saying that they will be rotating Battlefied, Titanfall and Battlefront I can easily see it becoming another casual shooter.
I am getting a Ps4 so I will not be able to play it, until it comes to Playstation, but I really hope it does not become something they release again every few years with a few added guns or mechs and slightly improved graphics.
The core gunplay looks bland. Fortunately, everything else points to a fun experience. Sort of like how I managed to enjoy Crysis 2 (as a standalone game- as a sequel it's still sh1t) despite the ADS gunplay.