After reading the Destiny drawing board post regarding the sniper rifle called "Closing Time", I started thinking about how Bungie wants our weapons in Destiny to feel personalized and unique, hence not only the myriad visual variety of the weapons, but the ability to customize your gun with its own upgrade tree.
This got me wondering what the weapon turnover rate will be in Destiny. By that I mean, how often will we find ourselves comparing weapons in order to determine which is better in stats and functionality, and from there replacing weapons? To make a comparison, Borderlands at its best would have me finding a new weapon worth keeping every 30 minutes to an hour of play time, even if the differences were very small stat changes. But more often I've also had play sessions of Borderlands that span many, many hours over many separate play times without finding any gear that is substantially better than what I have This is especially frustrating at high levels when gear is at its peak of power, but also seems less likely to appear.
Destiny needs to have a weapon turnover rate that is high enough to keep us excited for what might be buried beneath that giant wall in Old Russia or what might drop from that powerful boss, but it also has an added wrinkle. Since we can invest resource, seemingly in heavy amounts, into upgrades for a gun, the turnover rate needs to be low enough so that we don't feel that we just spent a bunch of time and resources leveling up a gun that we're just going to toss a couple of hours after getting it and being only halfway through the upgrade tree. Personally, I would hope that I can get at least 7 or 8 hours of substantial use out of a weapon before needing to find a new one, with at least a couple hours of having a maxed skill tree for that gun. I'm curious as to how often you guys want to find new weapons.
The implied heavy investment in a single weapon lead me to believe that we could permanently keep a weapon in some sort of inventory, even if we don't have it on us. We could equip it every once in a while when we feel like using it, because the weapons base stats would be determined by our level. This would allow players to eventually reach the top of the tech tree without loosing interest in the weapon. Most likely, we'll end up using some favorite weapon most of time, but hopefully the sandbox will be diverse enough to encourage different weapon use. And after writing that, I realized how much it sounded like CoD, but we'll just have to wait and see what really happens.