So, I recently watched both movies, and pondered on how they both had similar themes. (Humans screwing over Aliens)
I would say District 9 would be far better, but it would likely be a biased choice since the day I first saw Avatar happened to be one of the most frustrating days of my life, and Im instantly excited by anything gory.
So, flood people, what do you think is the better film? Dances with Smurfs or Blood blowey-upy-weapon?
Avatar was sweet but I like D9 more. However it's hard to compare 2 totally different movies.
[i]Those fooking prawns![/i]
Avatar was an overrated flaming pile of shit. And my standards for sci-fi are pretty low.
Avatar LOL
Avatars visual were "F"ing crazy, but District 9 had a better story.
District 9 has the gravity gun from half life, it wins just by that alone.
I saw Avatar before some of my friends and this was pretty much my reaction for them
Uhhh, I even like Avatar and I voted District 9. District 9 is an incredible -blam!-ing movie.
District 9 is the better film in pretty much every aspect.
I really wish they'd make a sequel to District 9. It was such a great movie.
Is this even a question?
Tough call. Both movies deserve 5/5 ratings. Gonna go with District 9. That movie's badass. Elysium's better than both of these films and it's also a 5/5 in my opinion :/<
Avatar has stunning visual effects. I cannot recall a time before or since I saw Avatar that CGI impressed me so much. ...But that's [i]all[/i] Avatar has. Storywise, it f*cking sucks. The visual effects took away from my interest in the plot; instead of wondering what happens next, all I was interested in was what kind of CGI would have sex with my retinas next. District 9 wasn't much better in the story department, but it worked with what it had far better than Avatar, and I was genuinely interested in what was happening instead of just watching it because it looks pretty. It wasn't perfect by any means - no movie is - but it was awesome enough that I could overlook the flaws that it does have. It showed a new and interesting take on an alien invasion and the results of said invasion. And that's why it's (currently) my favorite movie.
I haven't seen either since I saw them in theaters and I don't particularly remember liking either one of them. I've been wanting to give District 9 another chance though and I doubt I'll ever really care about Avatar.
At least District 9 wasn't Pocahontas in space.
Avatar was fairly conventional but seeing it in 3D was an awesome experience. So I'll say Avatar.
This isn't even a question that needs to be asked.
The one that is actually kind of original.