so i was looking at the ball thing in destiny
u fanboys have to know something about it
a travelship
ok so i just completed halo 4 and i said
oh that looks like the diadacts ship from requiem
when i watched the trailer
so do you guys think that inside the ball is the diadact being all edgy
now "i want to b friends k"
The new Halo trailer did look a lot like Destiny...
plot twist!
Edited by Viltre: 9/1/2013 11:24:15 PM
Started a new topic: The Traveler is from planet Spaceball.(3 Replies))
He was miss misunderstood :'(
Whether or not you're being serious about the Traveler/Didact similarity, no the famous giant orb in destiny has no Promethean relation, simply because Halo is owned by Microsoft, and Bill Gates would be have Bungie sleeping with the fishes if there was a Halo reference in Destiny :P