Ever since the arrival of the internet, the piracy of music has practically been a fact of life. And with the music industry continuing to expand into the digital world, it is just as easy or even easier than before.
This new age of digital music creates other problems as well. If a [i]single[/i] person gets an album early, with the push of a few buttons, they've leaked an album for the world to hear and that artist is out that much money.
Even though it is completely illegal and various people have been made examples of for it, it continues to be a problem.
[b]Do you guys think that music piracy will ever stop? What do you think should be changed in order to prevent it?[/b]
Fighting internet piracy is like trying to stem a flood with a foot-high sandbag barrier; It's a waste of time and resources. Content creators need to learn that they'd be better off providing a better service than the pirates than punishing the people who want to make legitimate purchases with super restrictive rules.