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9/5/2013 9:53:40 AM

A Friendly Visit\

[u][b]__4[/b][/u] Back to the wall, the Vanguard pulled a tiny balled up square of parchment from a pressurized belt pouch and tossed it into the air. "Quiet this time. Keep the superfluity to a minimum." Gravelly external vox shut off, the curt order was confined within the mask. At the peak of its flight the crumpled paper unfurled smooth in a corkscrewing motion and further contorted until it twisted back in on itself, disappearing completely. Moments later a fist-sized, transparent polygon clicked into existence. The only hint of its location was the roiling refraction causing what appeared to be an orbiting shell of roving edges. But there was no depth to it, not even flat really, it was simply an effect. Lacking a surface entirely, the distortion was an optical marker designed, rather, chosen- by the Ghost itself. Each Vanguard echelon Ghost stored a myriad of sensitive data that could not be risked. In the event of imminent capture, such an AI would invert its non-state, removing itself entirely from the physical universe. Erased, never to return again. The lens distended the image behind it, as if bursting with thoughts. Their objective state of being also afforded them bizarre mannerisms. "The schematics for the end of this service tunnel." Keen to prevent the hovering orb from launching into a long-winded analysis, the Vanguard continued, "Link it to my HUD." Presently the blueprint occupied a small section of the visor, rotating as it followed the corridor and eventually came to the adjoining chamber. Revolving around the massive cavity, the gridview showed the ancient boarding platforms and ramping walkways. This stairwell would lead directly into the cavernous heart of the transit station, a perfect point for ambush. A matter-of-fact tone cut through the mental calculations. "Need a light?" The Vanguard looked up at the Ghost which was sidling about the doorframe, inspecting the shorn hinges. [i]If it's an ambush they want.[/i] "Yeah, looks like guests are waiting in the tunnel after all. You know what to do- and stick to the plan this time." "Yes. Though, they shouldn't be of any difficulty." The orbed continued absently, "For some time now, your lack of communication has shown sign of need for proper discussion regarding the matter you have made clear is not to be broached." Without pause, it continued, "Your inability to yield any-" "Can this not wait?" Exactly what the Vanguard had been dreading, the moment it was let out, the Ghost would look for a way to clear protocol. Now it had its chance, further movement from this position would be unwise without its collaboration. "I had hoped we could have gotten this out of the way earlier but as you have not called on me for over ten weeks, the probability of your apprehensive behavior preventing actual conference is too high to ignore. A full interim has elapsed in which you had not even summoned me for debriefing. Here we are, almost 39 days into the next, without communication until a moment ago. That is a break with regulation-" "Regulation. You're stopping this op for a lecture on regulation. I'm not waiting until you finish your bullshit to get this over with. This is a waste of my -blam!-ing time." Grasping the pistol hand over hand, the Vanguard leaned into the wall, readying to plunge into the shadowy opening. "We both know they'll be waiting down there all day. Your evasion of this eventuality has not been more forced than now." The ethereal voice gained a noticeably urgent tinge. "You are withdrawing completely from exterior contact. An ill-conceived but mostly benign behavior unless extending to your Ghost. This prior interim dossier suggests you barely survived a matter entirely avoidable with my aiding." "Funny, I'm not a math equation. You're the droid." "Gambling with your life will not bring back Loch. Be careful." Pausing, the Vanguard reached into the rippling disc and plucked out a ball of paper, collapsing the illusion. Placing it back within its compartment, the Vanguard flicked through spectrums to the amalgamate infrared and stepped from the cyan space into the technicolor darkness beyond. [i]Talking to me about life[/i]. [b][u]__5[/u][/b] The dixieland jazz blared through the loudspeaker behind them. The canorous echoing sickened the three killers, to them it was just alien noise, unnerving. Clinging to the surfaces for cover, they waited for the motion signal to resume movement. A concussive wave of dust blew past them, competing with the the din of sharp notes. Moments later the tracker beacon rushed their position. Firing as a force they blanketed empty hall, the salvo peppered the walls harmlessly. Building up intensity, a feedback of gunfire report reverberated toward them. Their bullets began peeling off in tangents, swerving into the sides of the corridor. Shimmering, a sprinting figure emerged from around the gentle bend. The barrier of scintillating light plowed ahead of it, slinging rounds into looping trajectories. Shredding laser light into singeing ribbons, the force field closed on the defenders who in turn amplified their response. The corona enveloped the reavers, bringing with it a barrage of captured energy and debris. What was left of the fight was over in a heartbeat. As the others mired in their wounds and regained their senses, the intruder stepped through their holdout. A hard boot came down on the unconscious of their number, collapsing his helm. Looking from one to the other, the towering figure swiftly judged the two remaining. Kneeling down to them, a pistol whip split ones helmet, venting his chances with a hiss. Pulling the last to his feet, the silent assailant pressed him to the wall at gun point, searching with a knife. The marauder turned to speak to his capturer and received a broken elbow. Shoving him along, they moved swiftly toward the door linking the boarding platforms. Holding a static hand to the portal control, arcs of electricity jumped the gap and initiated the circuit. A rough maneuver forced the contorted prisoners bound hands behind the Vanguard's neck . Light began to flood their feet through the opening gap. Pistol at the ready, they walked out into the enormous chamber. From the walkways and ledges overhead, barrels readjusted or clicked into place. Eyes fixed on their target below and prepared to fire. The Vanguard swayed with the motion of its struggling chip, forcing it into position through pain. A vast array of weapons pointed down at the pair, even launchers and autocannons. The odds looked poor but the hunch had been dead on, they didn't want to scavenge, they wanted the Guardian alive. A crack of thunder rolled through the cave and the human shield slumped, tugging on the Vanguard. From one of the higher balconies, a white figure stepped forward. Hands on the railing, inspecting the scene below, the man made a sweeping gesture and the jarring cacophony of music died. "All of this." The garbled voice boomed throughout the cavern like an amphitheater. "All this could be yours. [i]Can[/i] be yours! All you have to do- is ask." The Vanguard shrugged off the body and remained crouched. The light whine of the handgun and the altered voice of the orator were alone in the palpable silence. "You are looking for answers. All your life you have been searching in vain, a knight-errant search for a falsehood. Ask respite of me and you shall have your answers." Sensing a reply was not coming, the speaker continued as he walked away, content. "You've come a long way, Vanguard. But not far enough." The cornered Vanguard could easily hear the command issued by the ringleader as his heels clicked loudly. "Dispose of him. Leave the head."

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