Edited by SquattingTurtle: 9/11/2013 6:42:29 AMIm posting here because there are 45 replies... and i feel akward
normally im of your mind , if I am to devote a long time to something I usually want something sexy to look at , honestly in dragon's dogma the female outfits look way cooler... but I will probably go with male this time , unless female just looks that sexy...
Halo Reach sexy?
Edited by Player 1: 10/4/2013 5:16:46 AM
Edited by Derpy Batman: 10/4/2013 6:21:02 PMLMAO I just hope it's a female spartan
more like Zero-suit samus sexy...
Ooooooo - definitely
Pffffft bitch please
Ok, I think the spartans are pretty sexualized
Ehhhh you're talking about their big butts? They are fine it's just disproportionate. The female Spartans are far too skinny. Their waists are like the size of a male Spartans thigh. And the female spartan arms are so weirdly skinny. They almost look starved.
Really? It doesn't look like that to me
So what are you referring to then?
I'm not referring to anything, they just look good
You genuinely thought female Spartans in Reach were sexy? Well I wasn't aware that was possible till now. I think the female guardians are pretty awesome looking in destiny. Not really exaggerated anywhere and their armour actually looks protective which is good.
I think they should go back to Reach exaggeration and under armored
[quote]Probably male because I like to create characters I'm attracted to. I'm female.[/quote] O.O
Edited by faunidae: 9/11/2013 12:18:43 AM...................
I think I love you...
Woah. Birds of a feather stick together and whatnot.
Lmao mmmmk the love bit was me getting ahead of myself but I was just glad to see somebody with the same name as me. Are you new around here?
Sent you a message.