Mega Bloks is currently working with activision to make skylanders toys.
I was wondering, do you think they'll do the same with destiny?
You know my only question is. Will Bungie anouce this or say something about it or what?
I'm stoked. Glad it's megabloks legos are great but it just wouldn't do justice with the figures.
They did !!! Just came out today, check out this first peek at the line =)
Probably, Halo had mega blocks, both Activision and Bungie already have a relationship going with Mega Blocks. I'd rather have Lego Destiny toys, though. That way we can have a Lego Destiny game. Lego Halo the Game would've been great.
or Legos. Legos. LEEEEGOOOOS
I believe megabloks would be the perfect choice because of their customizing figures as seen with CoD and Halo
Will be cool..
It'll absolutely happen; Bungie is already trying to gear Destiny for a right-in-the-center rating and boost their audience/ sales, so why not further boost sales with Mega Bloks?
I'd rather the company Kre-o did Destiny...Lego would never touch the liscense...
There will probably be a destiny minecraft skin, isnt that the same thing?