First, you should start up with dying and get that out of the way.
You'd then wake up in a nursing home and life would get easier every day.
You'd get more lively and smooth and eventually leave the nursing home to collect your pension.
After a few years you'd start working, and get a gold watch on your first day on the job.
Then you'd work for 40 years until you'd be young enough to leave the place.
You'd drink, party and have sex before taking a break.
Then the school starts, you'd be a child, play around and not worry about anything until you'd be a baby.
The last 9 months you'd be floating around in peaceful luxury. There would also be central heating, roomservice etc.
And at last you would leave this world in an orgasm.
Not a bad idea... i ought to take this question to god when i go to heaven. inb4athiesms.