Anyone see the recent Riddick film?
I saw it last night. I have a lot of love for the 2 earlier films; Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick, as well as the games, especially Escape From Butcher Bay and I can say I enjoyed Riddick, but certainly not as much as the other films.
[spoiler]I found the opening scenes very interesting. Riddick depressed as the Lord Marshall, not yet having taken the Necromonger oath. Losing his touch and being tricked to Vaako and Krone in his hopes to return to Furya. Safe to assume Vaako will probably be the Lord Marshall in the next film but who can say? It was really cool just watching Riddick gradually rebuilding his strength at the start of the film. Building immunity to the venom, snapping his leg back together and all those things.
The film kind of slumped a little when we got to the Mercs. A bit overboard with the swearing and cheesy at times. One character I did like though was Boss Johns. This is the father of Johns from Pitch Black, hunting Riddick for over 10 years in search of answers about his son's death. I found him to be a very likeable character. Great line from Riddick when he said "Then you didn't know your son" in response to Johns arguing in disbelief of Riddick's explanation that Johns was a morphine junkie and lacked a spine, putting a kid's life above his own.
It felt long though. Maybe a little too long. At some points it felt like there was excessive attention on the Mercs. An interesting attempt to humanise Riddick was the pet dog thing, and you could tell how enraged Riddick was when Santana killed it. True to his word, Riddick killed him with unmatched style. You can't deny that.
However the film was very similar to Pitch Black. Very similar indeed. I understand that was the idea, but it was a little too much imo. But at the end of the day, the story has been set up for Riddick to dive right into the next (hopefully big) Riddick film akin to Chronicles. Riddick is what it is and there are some pretty enjoyable moments.[/spoiler]
I give it an honest 6.5/10
Yeah, I quite liked it but by the end the similarity to Pitch Black kinda bugged me.