I realize there are already vehicles for all sorts of transportation, but what if horses were in destiny? We could have them for just casual transport or even as a sign of great wealth. Imagine riding on your horse through town with your emblem on a tapestry hanging from the side or you sitting in a carriage while less fortunate guardians look on with jealousy. what do you think? Should there be organic transportation? Will hay become the most valuable resource?
UPDATE: because of so many mentions, I'd like voters to consider all organic mounts as the yes option. Some ideas were mutant variants of horses, robotic horses, evolved forms of lizards and horses, and mammoths.
We could change the name if the sparrow to "Mustang". It's a horse. Come on people LOVE THIS!
I think pets would be pretty cool too.
I like the Sparrow (change that name) better.
Battle cars because why the hell not? This is mythic sci fi not hardcore sci fi :D
Battle cats so I can yell " By the Legend GreySkull!!"
What about a mechanical horse....i mean it IS the future,duh!
Why would there be horses.. Even if there were, why would they need to be rideable!? Why have the sparrows which would be a hell of a lot faster that a horse and way cooler. Basically, in a nutshell, horses would be a pointless addition to the game.
What purpose would they serve, when every Guardian gets a speeder bike?
Destiny is not my little pony. You´ve got vehicles like the sparros and their epic, so why should you need a horse in this pitch black future ?
No it would be ridiculous ... But funny thou
I would only like to have horses if, when they got shot, they would flip over, throw me onto my face, then kick around for a while until I ended their pain with a final shot to the skull. Of course, if this were the case, I would never ride a horse. But it would still be cool.
GUYS !!!!! He mis spelled it he didn't mean horses he meant whores and duh of course there's gonna be some destiny hoes..... And with that comes destinys child which will b a good addition to the game musically lmao
sounds too much like Fable or something
As mounts, no. As wildlife roaming free, sure
Horses in Destiny? Yes. I've never seen what happens to a horse when exposed to the void of space. Should be very interesting. ... And amusing.
Edited by external: 9/20/2013 8:56:57 PMWhile the idea of living mounts kinda fits with the whole mythic sci-fi vibe, I get the impression that, like our guns are our swords, our spacecraft and sparrows are our viking warships and our valiant steeds. Horses seem a little too vulnerable to the sort of weaponry and enemies we'll encounter in the wilderness of Earth alone to conscript them into battle. As far as getting around the city on one, I guess, but it stands to reason that there'd be more practical ways for the adventurer/warrior classes to get around that would be less of a hassle to maintain. I mean, we already have those speeder bikes, and the idea of having some still standing freeways around the city to go bike racing on in lieu of fast traveling seems much more compelling in terms of gameplay possibilities. As far as non-combatant NPC's using them, maybe out on settlements for agriculture and transport, sure, why not? Makes sense with the setting. There's also the potential for exotic alien fauna being used as mounts offworld to consider.
I think some kind of space alien animal. Kinda like a dinosaur, massive lizard, or mammoth. That you could catch in the wild and train. Put a saddle on it, ride it home. That would be epic.
this aint world war I. tactically horses make poor transportation , easy to kill , and easy to spook and throw its rider off . also you have to feed and clean them , a vehicle does not. ill take a good ol fashion iron pony if you catch my drift thank you ...
I would like a horse. That would be pretty awesome. Yea alot of people will have speeder bikes and such, but I wouldn't mind a bit of old fashion. In fact they should have them, that if you do want one, go get one. If you don't, than don't go buy one. SImple, no? :)
Horses are a bad idea.
I don't think it would make sense
i'd rather have a kick-ass vehicle that no one else had, to be honest.
Battle cats clearly. I want to ride tiger man so hard! (That's what she said ahhhh)
Mutant horses that want to kill us? yes. Otherwise? no.
A mechanical horse maybe.
If I was in desperation, but not horses TIGERS COOL STORY MISSION!