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originally posted in:The Vanguardians
Edited by AssaultProdigy: 9/16/2013 5:18:24 PM

The More you Know

What up people, AssaultProdigy here and I've been thinking about doing a weekly section to give people advice on how to be a better player in FPS. Now this is going to be a weekly advice thread on how to improve your skills. Now before I dive right into my first thread let me give you a little background on myself and my gaming history. I have been playing online FPS for 6 years now. I have played - Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Call of Duty World at War - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Call of Duty Black Ops - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Battlefield 3 - Halo 3 - Halo Reach - Halo 4 - Ghost Recon Future Solider - Fuse - Medal of Honor Warfighter I have reached at least 3rd prestige in all the COD games I have played except MW3 (you know why I had to put you down MW3, don't give me that look). I have played competitively on Battlefield 3 while racking up over 150000 kills, including at least 1000 kills with every assault rifle in the game. When I stopped playing BF3 I ranked in the top 5% in the world in points as a Assault and the top 2% in the world with the M416 and M16A3 Assault Rifles. Halo is the game where I am the least decorated, but I have broken the 50000 kill mark in Each of the Halo games I have played. So to start this thread we are going to talk about knowing your surrounding. To many times in FPS where I see people rush out into open space without checking there corners or even taking a glance at there Mini Map. These players run out into the open, get killed and then rage about how the game is cheating. So today's topic is [b]look before you leap [/b] To start Im going to break this down into single player and then Multiplayer [b]Multiplayer campaign[/b] In Destiny's Campaign mode you will have the choice to play as a lone wolf or as a team and there are advantages and disadvantages to both, but those will be covered at a later time, right now I want to talk about knowing your surrounding even when you are playing with a team. Most people would think that just because you are with a team that you can take more chances and just go rambo, this however is not the case because you are putting your teammates in harms way as well. Just because you are ready to go killing doesn't mean that your team is ready. When you are playing with a team you must be smart and use teamwork and tactics to defeat your enemies. Sometimes you will have to go HAM and there is nothing you can do about that. But if there are enemies that don't know you are there then being Rambo isn't always the smartest course of action. Sometimes you must divide and conquer, sometimes you might have to use a teammate as bate, sometimes you are going to need to flank your opponent and sometimes you are going to need to avoid a battle all together. Be smart. Study your surrounding, and then your enemies, make a plan and then finally execute your plan. Do this and your team will win every battle you are in. [b]Single Player [/b] Let me start off by saying that playing Single player isn't as damming as people make it out to be. Some people feel like they can get more done playing by themselves and not having to worry about others. That being said playing single player takes alot of skill. You can't get away with as much as you could of you were playing with a team. I said you have to be smart while playing with a team, well you're going to have to be smarter playing by yourself, you are going to need to consistently check corners and use your mic to your advantage. I have three rules for playing single player. 1. Have a suppressor 2. Have a sniper 3. Have stealth While playing single player you're going to want a gun with a suppressor to quickly and quietly take out enemies. You never go rambo unless you have to. It must be a last resort. A suppressed will take you far if you are a lone wolf. If you are a lone wolf you are going to want to stay far away from enemies if you have, and this is where your sniper comes in. It give you the ability to take out your enemies without them knowing where you are. However you must be smart when you are sniping. Make sure you are not in the open where your enemies are sniping. I know it sounds simple, but you would not believe how many snipers I say sniping in the middle of the street in BF3, only to get ran over by a tank or knifed. Make sure that you are using cover while sniping. And finally make sure you have a path of escape while sniping. This last part is very impotent. As a sniper you must always have a way to get out of a spot in case your position is compromised. To often I see snipers sniper in spots that offer them no escape. This is not smart and will get you killed you. Stealth is very important for a single player, because most of the time you're going to be out gunned and out maned. And killing all the enemies you face if you don't have to kill them is nothing more then a waste of ammo and could get you killed. So sneak, use cover and take out enemies when they are alone. This will not only keep you alive but help you say ammo as well. Well that's all I got for this week. Please let me know if you like this info or just add something of your own. Bleiben Sie noble und zu halten Tötung

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  • Am I supposed to read this?

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    9 Replies
    • PUT IN #GAMING PLEASE. THIS IS CLOGGING UP THE DESTINY FORUMS. No hate, good post, wrong forum.

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      3 Replies
      • How about you don't do this here..

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        5 Replies
        • [quote]I have reached at least 3rd prestige in all the COD games I have played except MW3 (you know why I had to put you down MW3, don't give me that look). I have played competitively on Battlefield 3 while racking up over 150000 kills, including at least 1000 kills with every assault rifle in the game. When I stopped playing BF3 I ranked in the top 5% in the world in points as a Assault and the top 2% in the world with the M416 and M16A3 Assault Rifles. Halo is the game where I am the least decorated, but I have broken the 50000 kill mark in Each of the Halo games I have played.[/quote] That part reminded me of this: [quote]I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the -blam!- out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my -blam!-ing words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, -blam!-er. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re -blam!-ing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your -blam!-ing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re -blam!-ing dead, kiddo.[/quote]

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          3 Replies
          • If I had to make a suggestion, cater this post to people who aren't just getting started with first person shooters. Most people on these forums know how to play them. Instead, impress us with some advanced concepts. Maybe map control, using angles, establishing callouts, etc.

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            3 Replies
            • Just being stealthy takes away all of the fun though. I like playing like rambo on single player, and I've gotten relatively good at it

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              1 Reply
              • You shooter cred is completely lacking. I don't say that from my perspective, but if you haven't even touched CS,TF,Quake or Unreal, no serious shooter fan is going to pay any attention. Plus all the game you listed don't even require tips or tricks, just actual play experience.

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                1 Reply
                • lol cod

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                  3 Replies
                  • [quote]You never go Rambo unless you have to[/quote] I thought it was a different word than Rambo?

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                    2 Replies
                    • What is wrong with everyone saying this is too long to read. You lazy -blam!-s! Have you never read a god damn book? LOL at some point in your life you will have to read stuff longer than this get over it. Like seriously LOL

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                      22 Replies
                      • [quote] I have been playing online FPS for 6 years now. I have played - Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Call of Duty World at War - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Call of Duty Black Ops - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Battlefield 3 - Halo 3 - Halo Reach - Halo 4 - Ghost Recon Future Solider - Fuse - Medal of Honor Warfighter I have reached at least 3rd prestige in all the COD games I have played except MW3 (you know why I had to put you down MW3, don't give me that look). I have played competitively on Battlefield 3 while racking up over 150000 kills, including at least 1000 kills with every assault rifle in the game. When I stopped playing BF3 I ranked in the top 5% in the world in points as a Assault and the top 2% in the world with the M416 and M16A3 Assault Rifles. Halo is the game where I am the least decorated, but I have broken the 50000 kill mark in Each of the Halo games I have played. [/quote] Wow. Quite a seasoned gamer there, arentchya? /sarcasm Seriously. Play some other genres beside FPS, then we'll talk.

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                        17 Replies
                        • People don't read anymore but on a more serious note. Have you heard of any betas coming out yet?

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                          1 Reply
                          • Edited by Drollnote6: 9/30/2013 12:22:04 PM

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                            4 Replies
                            • I don't even...

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                              7 Replies
                              • 1v1 me nub

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                                31 Replies
                                • I played most of the call of duty's mw, mw2, mw3, waw, bo1 and bo2. I have also finished them all off to the highest rank accept mw3 I am prestige 12 rank 50 something.

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Well you learn a thing like two when playing a halo game on mythic. Like patients and being careful.

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • - Map awareness - Reflexes All you need

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                                      6 Replies
                                      • BTW. Wat system will you be playing on?

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • Excellent thread :)

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                                          1 Reply
                                          • Let me start by saying that this has a lot of information that is very solid and nice work.. I like to start every new game out on single player mood just to get a feel for the game and its surroundings. Knowing what is out there and your environment is a must when playing this type of game. For me I just now got into Halo 4 and am right now at level 127 with around 12000 kills and I'm about 87% player complete. To say the least I love video game but damn I'm not as good as you..

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                                            10 Replies
                                            • 1
                                              Ha, I was waiting for the German:) werden legende

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                                              12 Replies
                                              • Tl;dr

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                                                5 Replies
                                                • Bump

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                                                  3 Replies
                                                  • How have you not played halo ce or cod 4?

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                                                    1 Reply
                                                    • Not bad. Don't tell people to not snipe on the roads in BF3, that's how I get all my knife kills. ;) PS Grammar and spelling are useful skills, too.

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