Probably each time Kizaru seems hell-bent on trolling everybody... which seems to be 24/7.
This is an impossible question. Off the top of my head: -Jurassic Park (Entire Movie) -Wall-E (Entire Movie) -Gojira 1954 (Entire Movie) -"You can save all of them." -Superman destroying the World Engine -Osymandias from Breaking Bad -An entire sh1t ton of moments from Halo, most notably stepping onto Installation 04 and the final goodbye with Cortana, though I'd be willing to say Halo CE (Entire game) -Goku getting beaten by Superman (hue) -Second episode of Justice League Unlimited -Metal Gear (f*ck, do you expect me to actually list them all?) -T. Rex rampage in San Diego -Mass Effect 1 (Entire game) -Turok 2 (Entire game) err... All I can think of at this point.