Watch the full video. Just another day of Fox News. God, I'm glad I live in Canada.
[spoiler]That being said, the Canadian national anthem states "God, keep our land" and I don't get rustled. Atheists cry too much, and a lot of religious people oppress them. Deal with it, America.[/spoiler]
Edit: A Forum Cop has brought this to my attention (while being a huge c.unt about it): I am, in no way, an anti-theist. I respect everyone's choices and don't judge or condemn people based off of them. My who family are Catholic. My closest friends are Christian. How can I be an anti-theist and be loving with them?
I, too, am glad I live in Canada but saying that, we still have a bunch of shits complaining about our national anthem in schools. Not too long ago, immigrant Muslims or Indians or someone were complaining that the Canadian National anthem is not part of their heritage/ culture so they shouldn't have it in a school of diverse religions, views and beliefs. I say "You come to Canada, you live Canadian. You don't like it, GTFO."
Why not zoidberg?
You can't.
I'm not an atheist and I don't give a crap about the pledge of allegiance. They can remove the whole thing for all I care.
Does the one in my basement count?
I think that it isn't a good camparison between blacks and atheists because being black isn't a choice, however atheism is.
Fox news hates evil atheist babies. No to newborn rights!
Everyone is created equal, and is given by their creator several un-changeable rights. Ultra conservatives like these foxxies should know this!
Fox news: Atheists shouldn't dictate what everyone else does. This forum: FOX NEWS HATES ATHEISTS!
Edited by Aporia: 9/18/2013 2:35:31 AMlol @ it's-all-good-I'm-not-an-anti-theist If you're against the eradication of institutions instilling theism in children, you are backwards.
[quote]My who family are Catholic. My closest friends are Christian. How can I be an anti-theist and be loving with them?[/quote] I'm your friend and I'm atheist. #igotuhomie
I'm glad i live in Canada too, most down in the states seem to be crazy.
Edited by Coin: 9/18/2013 12:41:58 PMOh boy, those Atheists are at it again. *grabs popcorn* But seriously, it's been our pledge since practically the birth of America. These people need to chill the hell out man. If you don't like it just ignore it or whatever. [spoiler]Also before I get any butthurt, my best friend is an Atheist, and I'm not against them.[/spoiler]
But they shouldn't. They choose to reject the Almighty, I will choose to stomp their faces on with my steel toed boot.
ITT: religious people getting upset and atheists getting upset
Edited by Winter Soldier: 9/18/2013 1:03:18 PMITT: "Oppressed" (lol) atheists crying about nothing as per usual.
[quote]How can I be an anti-theist and be loving with them?[/quote] You don't have to dislike all theists to recognise that the things they believe are stupid and that they should stop.
Oh dear me. I can't watch the video because my mother's asleep. Oh well. Guess you don't get to rustle any of my Jimmies...
Under god wasnt added until sometime in the 60s, there is no reason for it to be on the tender, or as part as an official government documents or sayings, separation of church and state boyo, means no expression of religion on the part of government, and these statements claim that a single god exists.
Edited by Butters: 9/18/2013 2:04:41 AMSTRAWMAN: THE THREAD The video in the OP is absolutely retarded. For one, having the kids say "Under God" in the pledge isn't initiation into a life of religion. It's two words in a really old nationalist-based pledge, atheists are so anal about everything. Have your kids mouth the two words if you want or tell them to have their mouth closed for those two words. Like damn atheists, do you call the cops when you can't open a jar of pickles? Take shit into your own hands rather than contributing to what's bad in America. Religious people can be really stupid too but there's so many so that makes sense, atheists are so few in number and make a huge stink about everything. And OP, your edit is completely non-credible. That's like those people who say that they can say nigger and aren't racist because they have black friends. If you aren't being anti-theist then no one would accuse you of it.
God don't bless america, actually, make it smarter god. God make america smart
I think youre mistaking it as sarcasm. On topic: they where referring to atheists constantly suing over the mentioning of God because they're "offended" while religious believers want to proclaim their faith are constantly barraged by them.
I can't help but feel sorry for the extreme pro-religion anti-atheist advocates when they're faced with facts such as "'Under God' was only added to the pledge of allegiance in 1954". It must hurt.
I know. Our money is so damn oppressive.
Why can't atheists just say "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands; one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Seriously coexist guys, mkay?