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Edited by Lord of Admirals: 9/21/2013 10:45:13 PM

Halo 4 Visual Guide Notable Facts - COMPLETED

Got my book from Amazon today! As soon as I got home I read through the entire book. I'm not posting all the information detailed so please ask for extra info if you're curious! [b][u]Characters:[/u][/b] Master Chief: -New armor designed by Cortana; based off an early line of Mk. IV Del Rio: -Left Requiem to cut Infinity's losses and salvage what remained of its assets Halsey: -Birthworld Endymion Doctor Tilson: -Expert in Xenoarcheology -Birthworld Coral -Scholarship at Pegasi Institute Librarian: -Full Name First-Light-Weaves-Living-Song -Height 9' 6" Didact: -Full Name Shadow-of-Sundered-Star -Height 11' 4" Palmer: -Birthworld Luna Roland: -Created to replace Infinity's AI that perished in its crash on Requiem in 2557 Thorne: -Single-handidly saved an entire platoon during the battle of Criterion -Served on Tribute and Reach -Fought alongside Colonel Ackerson on Mars Demarco: -Former ODST Hoya: -Refugee from Asmara -Found sanctuary on Circumstance -Former ODST -POW; Escaped saving a dozen naval officers in the process Madsen: -Became Spartan-IV due to his father and grandfather being Generals in the UNSC Grant: -Birthworld Arcadia -Impressive athletic ability led to her being used to field test Gen-II Mjolnir; later became full-fledged Spartan-IV Glassman: -Astro Physicist and Quantum Theorist -Assisted Halsey in installing Infinity's Forerunner engines Gek 'Lhar: -Birthplace Island of Alyctos just off northern shores of Kaepra -Ruthless Warrior Parg Vol: -Field Master in old Covenant -Despised Brutes and Prophets -Genocidal views against Humanity -Post war saw him as an arms dealer -Lead small task force under Jul 'Mdama [b][u]Factions:[/u][/b] Marines: -Heavy Infantry (Green Armor w/ face masks; encountered on level Infinity) -Medic (Lightly armored, white armor w/ red stripes) -Field Sergeant (Green armor w/ cap) -Standard Infantry (Grey-tan armor) Spartans: -All S-IVs are considered equal in rank -Several Hundred ONI Security: -Heavy armor -Black -Deployed at Ivanoff station Note: Eerily mimics Builder Security Scientists: -Light blue underclothes = Quantum Physicist -Light Brown underclothes = Xenoarchaeologist -Small group survived Ivanoff Station's composition by hiding in the nearby asteroid field; later recovered Storm Grunt: -Nose rebreather used to increase FOV Imperial Grunt: -Served in previous Covenant -Methane pack looks like Balaho Octopoda Grunt Heavy: -Skilled enough to accompany Elite fireteams -Methane pack has analog eye sockets of Unggoy predator Storm Jackal: -Unique appearance of Kig-Yar due to Jackals being isolated to the continent of Ibie'sh, retaining their reptillian ancestory Jackal Sniper: -Helmet Smart-linked to weapon, offering extreme range target acquisition Jackal Heavy: -Uses Needler Hunters: -Armor composed of Covenant starship hull-plating Storm Elite: -Performs in Scout, Marksman, and Assault roles -Extremely prominent in Jul's Covenant Elite Ranger: -Operates in same roles as Storm Elites Elite Commander: -Served in old Covenant for decades -Ornate armor displays heritage and skill Note: Picture shows Elites can still starfish! Elite Warrior: -Demonstrated impressive skill, but didn't serve in command roles in old Covenant -Pauldrons bolster shields Elite Zealot: -Armor native to Hesduros zealotry -Toe-claw indicates Kaidon status Crawler: -Deployed deep into Flood redoubts to soften Flood infantry -False-mandibles act as weapon cowlings. Crawler Snipe: -Knob on head serves as long range sensor -Hump on back serves as supplemental energy stacks -Devastatingly accurate at extreme long ranges Alpha Crawler: -Guides Crawler packs -Hardlight spikes on back indicate status Watcher: -Ancillas based on the Knights they originate from -Fins and legs are stabilizers -Upper carapace houses AI -circular wings are source of lift Knight: -Guarded Requiem -Knobs in underside of Carapace serve as Hardlight Shield generators Knight Lancer: -Wings on back are Sensor Arrays -Focused on long range elevated combat Knight Commander: -Incredible tacticians -Heavily armed -Light patterns indicate command -Rippling light caused from energy expenditure Knight Battlewagon: -Walking weapon -Known to single-handidly lay siege to fortified sites -Extremely dense armor -Protruding knobs on underside of carapace serve as heavy-grade shield distributor -Electricity you see on top of carapace is excess energy discharge [b][u]Weapons:[/u][/b] Assault Rifle: -Most pervasive model is the MA5D Battle Rifle: -BR85 is Misriah's best BR model DMR: -Success of the BR55 in the Marines saw limited use of the M392 -M395 is the best DMR model -Preferred by Scout, Recon, and Pathfinder operators; sometimes over the Sniper Railgun: -Railguns have been mass produced for decades -ARC-920 is the most successful Railgun Magnum: -M6H has been the primarily used Magnum since 2555 Sticky Detonator: -Acheron Security acquired the rights to the M363 RPD after CDS' destruction by the Covenant -Manufactured in low qualities during insurrection Sniper Rifle: -Series 5 is highest in production SAW: -M739 LMG is most recent SAW Rocket Launcher: -Locks on to targets via heat signatures Spartan Laser: -Circle on back end is the energy cell Shotgun: -Concept of Shotgun considered antiquated -Still in service due to effectiveness in Urban Warfare and Ship Boarding action Machine Gun: -Most common in UNSC is the M247H Target Designator: -Used for air strikes, orbital strikes, F-99 Wombat strikes, and Mammoth strikes Frag Grenade: Note: literally nothing new Hyperion Missile: -One of the most prominent Nuclear missiles -Widely used by Frigates and Destroyers Onager: -Used as defense network on Infinity -Cleared space debris from around Ivanoff Station; repurposed to target Covenant dropships Scythe: -Used on Infinity's defense grid -Larger model than the M71 (Halo Reach Auto Turrets) Lance: -Missile Launcher used on ships and terrestrial locations Vulcan Machine Gun: -Mounted on Warthog -The M46 is more inaccurate than prior models providing persistent firepower over a larger sector Rocket Turret: -Mounted on Warthog and Mammoth -Fires Argent V Missiles Gauss Cannon: Note: Nothing new Flank Gun: -Fixed to fuselage of Pelican -Covers Pelican's blind spots -Fires depleted uranium rounds -Mounting an M410 is risky on a Pelican Deployable Turret: -Fires 12.7mm rounds -automated -cooling system Note: Dominion Turret; Cooling system seems to be the EMP area meaning the EMP is just gameplay HAVOK Nuke: -Intriguingly easily portable given their extreme payload -Used in combat and mining Plasma Pistol: Note: EMP Ability confirmed canon Needler: -Stock serves as power supply -Crystals used in the Needler first discovered on Sanghelios Moon of Suban -Mining sites on Suban continued during Sangheili Civil War Storm Rifle: -First weapon in production in the Lodam Armory -Greatly upgraded over Plasma Rifle; is Plasma Rifle's replacement Carbine: -Fires ammo similar to Fuel Rods used in the FRG -Primary means of killing enemies is by expelling radioactively charged chemicals Beam Rifle: -T27 Most prominent Covie Sniper Shade: -T55 follows tradition of diversifying the Shade weapon emplacement Concussion Rifle: Note: Nothing new Fuel Rod Cannon: -Considered overkill when used on infantry -So successful its tech has been integrated into the Banshee and other ground support aircraft Energy Sword: Note: Nothing new Gravity Hammer: -The Sacred Promissory's destruction in High Charity has resulted in the Gravity Hammer becoming incredibly rare. Plasma Cannon: Note: Nothing new Plasma Grenade: -Aggressively clings to specific heat and/or movement signatures Scattershot: -Used prominently by Builder Security -Used during evacuations from Flood. Lightrifle: -Pioneered during ground campaigns of the Human War. -Used by Warrior-Servant Marksmen Note: Description mentions that Ancient Humans used multiple types of particle rifles Binary Rifle: -Designed early in Forerunner history -The Z-750 is the most recent model used to combat the Flood -Uses Anti-matter particles jacketed with a charged beam to disintegrate enemies Incineration Cannon: -Used when assaulting locations believed to hold Graveminds -Used to destroy early Spore Mountains Pulse Grenade: -Used to cauterize FSC growth Focus Turret: -Covenant reverse engineered Forerunner Focus technology to create the T52 Focus Rifle Forerunner Artillery: -Anti ship weapon -Used in defense networks Particle Cannon: -Launch hyper dense negatively charged ions [b][u]Vehicles:[/u][/b] Warthog: Note: Nothing new Mongoose: -17 Versions exist Scorpion: -Rights to manufacture were acquired by Acheron Security after CDS' destruction -Slight changes were made to the original model after Acheron took over Mantis: -Referred to as Mantis because of its ability to ambush -Possibly referred to as Mantis because of the famous Cherbourg Run Pelican: -D79 is most used variant post war -More armor than past models Pelican Gunship: -Outfitted with M8 Laser Cannon Broadsword: -Been in production for more than two decades -Saw prominence towards end of war Mammoth: -Used for Blockade and Assault Note: Mentions two different variants of Elephant. Halo 3 and Wars? Ghost: Note: Nothing new Wraith: Note: Nothing new Phantom: -Older model -Used because newer models are harder to come by Banshee: -Covenant Remnants have made modifications to the T26 to make it usable in Space combat.

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  • Edited by Lord of Admirals: 9/21/2013 10:27:04 PM
    Lich: -Mass deployment platforms rarely seen during Covenant War Covenant Drop Pod: -Larger than models used in the past (T51 IBC) Covenant Orbital Pod: -Launches back towards point of origin -Designed to avoid costs incurred when pods are abandoned Forerunner Escort: -Used to defend his ship during its assault on Earth -Previously used to ferry equipment and individuals -Crew Capacity 50 Personnel [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Cryotube: -Cytoprethaline is injected into an individual to prevent crystallization of cells Ordnance Pod: -Used in Spartan-IV War Games exercises to train SIVs into calling in Ordnance frequently and effectively. Quantum Marker: -Prototype -Used to test out Translocation networks -Transportation of organic material is forbidden Note: Tool used in Extraction Terminal: -Access points for AI's -Master Chief used them on the Ark to communicate with Mendicant Bias Harvester: -Hesduros Design -Possibly controlled by Sbaolekgolo Colony -First encountered on Requiem Note: Details a previously unknown Scarab variant. The T36. Halo 2 possibly? Despite being Hesduros design, Harvesters are ironically made by the Sanghelios based manufacturer, Lodam Armory. Cryptum: -Orange lines are Hardlight bonds -Features a dais (throne) built into the shell Composer: -Sublimation device Sentinel: -Designation given Z-1500 ASD Durance: -Historically used to store Forerunner imprints -The Didact modified them to carry composed souls Note: The Didact's Gift is a Durance Janus Key: -Galactic Cartographer Note: Interesting how cartographers are always at the forefront of Halo Plots Active Camo: -AC Apparatuses can vary in size and shape Hardlight Shield: -Considered ruggedly resistive, not impervious -Mjolnir is not an adequate power supply Promethean Vision: Note: Nothing new Hologram: -Reverse engineered from Skirmisher holograms found on Hat Yai, Actium, and Reach Autosentry: -Previously thought to be autonomous -Materialized through Hardlight Jetpack: -Designed for all BDUs Regeneration Field: -Burst of shunting energy pushes enemies away from field -Believed to cause regenerative properties through short term power reappropriations -Origin of technology is classified by ONI Thruster Pack: -Intended to be a forward acceleration system [b][u]Armor:[/u][/b] Note: All info can be found on Waypoint's Halo 4 Guide. I'll point out all new info. Aviator: -Confirms Sabres still exist Commando: -Different design is because it isn't a team leader exclusive armor Defender: -Neutral Helmet contours for use in civilian populations EOD: -Designed so no Spartan would ever suffer the same fate as Sam. Gungnir: -Often used to combat intense flaring commonly found in Covenant manufacturing sites Mark VI: -Reports of Spartan-II's using Mark VI exist, but are highly classified Note: Blue Team!? =D Orbital: -Skull on visor is the Mark of the Breaker, signifying it survived the infamous Buffalo Breaker Yards Raider: -Saw increased use during War Games Oddball competitions Ranger: -Early prototype rumored to have been used to infiltrate High Charity Vanguard: -Uses prototype VISR 5.0 Engineer: -Spectrum nodes loosely resemble Huragok eye placement Stalker: -Visual appearance of armor shocks Covenant Infantry, putting the user at an advantage Rogue: -Continuation of Gen 1 Variant (Halo 3) FOTUS: -Based off Forerunner tech -Horn distracts predators localized to Kirkland [b][u]Ships:[/u][/b] Forward Unto Dawn: Note: Nothing new Infinity: Note: Nothing new ONI Prowler: -Classes Winter, Razor, Eclipse, and Sahara -Aladdin is a Sahara class UNSC Cruiser: -Halcyon and Marathon Cruisers were decommissioned by the end of the war -Autumn Class Cruisers were designed after the Pillar of Autumn UNSC Frigate: -Most recent addition is the Strident Class -Strident Class are Infinity's Sub Vessels Note: It doesn't mention whether or not all Strident Class have energy shields Mantle's Approach: -Designed for the conflict with Humanity -Hull held together by Hardlight bonds -Height 371 KM -Beam 138 KM -Length 142 KM -Primary Armament Heavy Ion Weapon System -Secondary Armament Stasis Tension Driver -Tertiary Armament Light Mass Fusillade Cannons -Quaternary Armament Particle Cannon Network -Quinary Armament Anti-Ship Artillery System Covenant Cruiser: -CCS's were salvaged by Jackals or taken by Sangheili Kaidons leaving very little active CCS's Note: What we all though was the CCS was really the RCS Heavy Carrier Song of Retribution: -Jul 'Mdama's flagship -CAS-Class Assault Carrier -Current location and fate is a mystery -Never used against Infinity due to it being ironically outmatched [b][u]Locations:[/u][/b] Requiem: -Star System Epoloch -Diameter 10,787 KM -Enormous series of concentric shells (More than the three we saw) Earth: Note: Nothing new Gamma Halo: -Star System Khaphrae -Index and Flood Quarantine zones were quickly secured by Humans Ivanoff Station: Note: Nothing new The Cauldron: -Powers large scale Tension Modifiers which stabilize Atmosphere pockets deep in Requiem The Refuge: -Forerunner Safe House -Transloaction conduit was used to transport refugees (Explains large volume of Prometheans) Lockup: -Naval Staging Ground -Used during the first deployment of the Human War Apex: -Transit Relay -Forge Islands' Great Anvils are located nearby Complex: -ONI enforced Persistent Field Resilience here -The PRC lead it to be scanned for War Games Haven: -Harmonic Resonance Platform on Requiem Adrift: -Takes place on Heavy Burden, a Springhill class mining vessel -Injured during the battle of Kholo -Attempted to flee by slingshotting around the Gas Giant when it suffered an engine failure, dooming it to a decaying orbit Longbow: -Takes place on Concord at a Mass Driver Facility -Originally used to launch monitoring relays into space to study far away solar systems -Used to launch military sensors to track Covenant movements during the war Solace: -Adjusts energy of small stars -Operated by Plasma Jockeys -Atmospheric spectral dilators allow life to grow despite the solar proximity Abandon: -Located on Erebus VII -Research facilities were set up on the equatorial jungle -Research teams lost contact. When Fireteams were sent to investigate, no one was left at any of the facilities with no sign of their disappearance -ONI has suspended its efforts there with no plans to commit new resources Exile: -Crashsite of the Frigate Diadochi -Survivors turned wreckage into a community that survived for years before rescue -Planet was named Partition, a nod to Earth's Diadochi conflicts Meltdown: -Forerunner reactor used to power a distant Shield World Vortex: -Large scale wind harvester Ragnarok: -Towers act as communication channels -Full purpose is still unknown Impact: -ONI patrol drone recorded a violent meteor collision with a UFO in 2547 -The UFO was a fragment of unknown origin -Extremely resilient -material composition is highly irregular -Object's age predates earliest known Forerunner artifact Ravine: -Forerunner spires coming from the ocean are rampart-like towers -Apart of an impossibly large castle buried under the sea Note: The book hints at its purpose being sinister. Makes me wonder if it would have to do something with the manufacture of Prometheans Erosion: -Located Lunar pioneer site on Eudemon X49-05 -Soil is extremely rich making it a prime colony for Covenant war refugees -Extensive testing is still going on due to potentially problematic seismic activity Harvest: -Sif controls the playable area of the map -Mack controls the JOTUNS out in the background Shatter: -Location Muroto, one of Chi Ceti IV's two moons -Rich with light weight heavy grade crystal needed for augmenting armor composites -Setbacks caused by unrelenting storms and perilous volcanic activity Wreckage: -Apart of the Forerunner Maginot Sphere (AKA Jat-Krula) -Location Line Installation 9-12 -Line Installations are parsed in fours -9-12 was discovered by scavengers when their ship was trapped on its surface. Hoping to secure treasure, they set up base camps in the wreckage -They transmitted the detailed scans of their local area which is how the map was used in War Games -Debris on Line Installations include Human, Covenant, and undiscovered species. Landfall: -Location Port facility just outside of Casbah on Tribute -Spartan-II's and Spartan-III's were deployed at the battle of Casbah -One of the final battles at Casbah involved a Spartan fire team holding off an unrelenting Covenant attack to provide refuge for escaping civilians Monolith: -Acquired from incredibly precise environmental scans found on Requiem -Monument to Forerunner Warriors who served in the Human War -Didact personally ordered their construction -Location Forerunner monument on an asteroid in orbit around Sothra Hakkor Skyline: -Location atop skyline of Cascade's capital city of Mindoro -Several major corporations joined together to construct a massive space tether that terminates at Nova Austin station -Space tether will be critical for off-world transit and shipping making it Cascade's most important commercial spaceport -Security drones determined adjacent rooftops are prime for infantry training -ONI and UNSC have incorporated rooftop scans for a number of simulated programs Notable Facts continues in a reply to this post

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