So I graduated a few years before this "anti-bullying" movement started, or at least before the media latched onto it (a few years ago when the gay teen suicides prompted it).
While I have my own pessimistic theories on why it's being given so much focus, I was curious; do you see an effect of it in your schools? Do your teachers talk about it? Is a "bully" something that people shame each other for being?
Thanks for your time.
The whole nature of "bullies" are the cool popular kids trashing the small unpopular ones. Of course none of this anti bully shit is helping because even if they don't want to admit it, the lil guys look of and admire bullies to some degree for their popularity. In my school as soon as the lil people get bigger and stronger then they start bulling. The only way around this is if you join a club or make some friends.