Yesterday at about 0900, I received a Progo Credit from my good friend Progo. This "Progo Credit" as it is known, is redeemable for one (like) 50 megaton yield nuke. I can use it at any time and for any reason I please. So logically, I'm using it to take over the Floof. And you literally cannot stop me.
My conditions are: 150 members of the Floof must swear their undying allegiance to your Glorious Leader, His Holy Magesticness Froggert by 3:30 EST Tomorrow, September 20, 2013.
If my conditions aren't met, well kiss your ass goodbye because the Floof will be nukified.
EDIT: I would like to thank my loyal supporters for coming out and voting for me so fast. I never thought I would get 200 votes so early in the election process. It truly is an honor.
-Your Glorious Ruler, Froggert.
*jedi mind trick* You don't want to have my allegiance.. You want to go home, and make me chocolate.